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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Voluntary sector organisations

You can get involved by sharing your/your organisation's experience of dealing with the impact of coronavirus,using the #NeverMoreNeeded hashtag and: Writing a blog - on your own site, on our site, or for TFNCreating,how to keep the supporter experience at the forefront of your fundraising despite the impact of coronavirus,A great blog post should inspire, encourage, motivate and captivate your audience – but it doesn’t have,Take a look at our top tips for blogging to get you started.

#NeverMoreNeeded Resources

practice for funders SCVO is working with funders to support a collaborative, aligned response to coronavirus,how to keep the supporter experience at the forefront of your fundraising despite the impact of coronavirus,A great blog post should inspire, encourage, motivate and captivate your audience - but it doesn't have,Take a look at our top tips for blogging to get you started.,Here are some ideas about how to support charity or community partners through coronavirus and beyond

Struggling families hit hardest by lockdown

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation's annual flagship report reveals the issues millions of families face across the UK

A focus on human rights 

my desk last week was the news from my web colleagues that Google’s algorithms have marked a 2016 blog,As I highlighted in a previous blog post, as we have moved our policy focus to issues impacting on the,I started drafting this blog conscious that anyone coming to SCVO’s website through the Google algorithm,wouldn’t find a ‘human rights’ heading under our policy work.

Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

Digital Participation funding – helping us go the distance!

There’s no question that organisations have responded rapidly and creatively to the coronavirus pandemic,consideration for all the Funds is of course the revised ways of working that are in place due to coronavirus,We'll be bringing you guest blogs from a number of our past projects over the coming weeks which we hope

Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish Voluntary Sector: a review of literature

paperDownload Introduction This paper presents a summary of the existing literature on the impact coronavirus,It is a follow-up to SCVO’s paper, Coronavirus, and its impact on the Scottish voluntary sector –what, ONS (2020),,We lobby government on policy issues, create jobs for young people and support organisations to embrace

Renewing Scotland’s full potential in a digital world

vision and actions for the Digital Strategy, recognising the changed landscape in the wake of the coronavirus,The education has to be there, with clear policies and pathways in place.”,supported 200 organisations to achieve Cyber Essentials, a recognised cyber resilience standard.During Coronavirus

SCVO response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee

basis of our evidence, along with recent feedback from employers and employees gathered during the coronavirus,On one hand, policies are key levers in encouraging employers to employ more young people. ,Evidence from CJS suggests that many employers and employees do not have knowledge of key policies at,This would include, for example, resources towards raising awareness of policies for employers and employees,to gather feedback on the programme and their needs for the future. [4] See

Get involved

Collaborate with us and our members to develop and promote voluntary sector policy perspectives for Scotland