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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Policy reports

Total posts: 207 | Pages: 21 of 21

Introduction SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the above regulations which will drive implementation of the Self Directed Support (SDS) legislation. Our response covers some specific points in relation to the tone and emphasis of the guidance... Read more

Our response SECTION 2 : SETTING THE CONTEXT Question 1: Given the EU’s Common Strategic Framework approach do you agree or disagree that EU funds in Scotland should be marshalled into three funds (paragraph 27)? Agree As a means of driving the integration and more effective... Read more

Our briefing SCVO welcomes the opportunity to input into the Bill and would like to contribute the following for members’ consideration: This is an opportunity to move the debate beyond technical issues to a wider discussion about how we can encourage people to get involved in... Read more

Summary The Stage 1 debate on the Referendum (Scotland) Bill on 14th May is an opportunity to move the debate beyond the technical issues of the franchise to a wider discussion of how we can encourage people to get involved in the debate. SCVO recently convened a voter... Read more

SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to this inquiry . We are pleased that the committee has opted for an ‘open information gathering’ approach. We would like to make the following five suggestions for improving the delivery of regeneration. Commit to genuine community-led... Read more

SCVO views the issue of land reform primarily in terms of the individuals and communities who live on the land. We are concerned with the potential for their relationship with the land to empower them to take voluntary action to help themselves and others and to bring about... Read more

1. The challenge for the third sector From advice providers and housing associations to homelessness services, carers’ organisations, and many more, a large slice of Scotland’s third sector works towards anti-poverty and pro-equality missions. With people and families across the... Read more