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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Research Find out more about SCVO's research into the impact of coronavirus on Scotland's voluntary sector,Coronavirus Third Sector Info Hub Information for charities, social enterprises and voluntary organisations,about coronavirus.

Best practice for funders

Collaboration Take a look at our briefing paper on funding, the voluntary sector and coronavirus for,Please email the title, author, date published, web link or attachment, and a short description to research,Sharing this information will allow SCVO to produce research on coronavirus and its impact on the voluntary

What SCVO has done

The coronavirus pandemic brought into sharp focus the critical contribution of our members and the wider,We: Ensured the sector’s voice was heard in national discussions on the impact of Coronavirus, the future,Anna Fowlie was part ofWorked with Scottish Government and independent grant-makers to create a Coronavirus,employability community on basecamp Partnered with a range of stakeholders to build a Scotland focused research,We: created the Coronavirus Hub updated with information and resources on areas including funding, running


been never more needed and never more stretched as we have strived to cope with the impact of the coronavirus,and impact Businesses Ways that businesses can support voluntary sector organisations MSPs SCVO's research,on the impact of coronavirus on Scotland's voluntary sector Members of the public How members of the

Top tips for businesses to support #NeverMoreNeeded

your organisation is a funder, take a look at SCVO’s guide to best practise for funders during Coronavirus,Corporate volunteers can donate their time to help manage, shape and guide charities through the coronavirus,Do your research Think about what kind of society your business needs to survive and thrive?

Mental health & wellbeing

Flexible Working Policies The traditional working pattern has changed a lot this year.,According to research by the Wellbeing of Women group, 900,000 women have had to leave their jobs due,The clear message is that designing policies and procedures in isolation of the staff who will benefit,This is part of the government commitment to conduct research into ‘what works to improve reproductive,download is full of helpful infographics and practical advice about navigating life in the midst of Coronavirus

The Scottish Third Sector Tracker

us at The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and DJS Research,Tracker - wave one open questions analysis The Scottish Third Sector Tracker is run by independent research,company DJS Research and funded by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations; the Scottish Government,Thank you to all partners for their generous contributions to this important piece of research.

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

including HR guides and templates. 550 complex questions answered 48 guides and templates created Coronavirus,Our policy team were dedicated to building important relationships with key policy-makers to make sure,SCVO policy-driven interactions 20 SCVO policy briefings and consultation responses 7 committee appearances,and influencers. 1,000 articles published 1 million page views Research to shape the future SCVO’s Third,organisations in the sector, we faced significant challenges in managing work throughout the changing coronavirus

Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish voluntary sector – what do we know so far? (May 2020)

This briefing gives a summary of some of the key issues that Coronavirus is having on voluntary organisations,gathered by third sector organisations and infrastructure bodies seeking to understand the impact of Coronavirus,All research and insights shared with us will be collated in our searchable Evidence Library: https:/,/ The briefing covers: Funding

Social sciences responding to COVID-19: research and policy hub

Research hub showcasing some leading examples of research, think-pieces and policy analysis across the,spectrum of the social sciences which contribute to understanding and tackling the impacts of the coronavirus

Get involved

Collaborate with us and our members to develop and promote voluntary sector policy perspectives for Scotland