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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Wave five findings — Winter 2022

The infographic summary, summary report and data tables for the fifth wave of The Scottish Third Sector Tracker are available here. Key Findings — Summary report The wave 5 summary report is available here The findings from wave five of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker suggested...

Wave Two Findings — Winter 2021/22

The initial findings from the second wave of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker are available here. The findings suggested that most third sector organisations continued to face challenges in the face of the pandemic. However, there had been improvement in the sector’s ability to...

Wave Four Findings — Summer 2022

Particularly evident in this report was the increased prevalence of staffing issues and shortages, volunteer

Best practice for funders

We're asking funders to submit their reports for inclusion in SCVO’s public Evidence Library.,Please email the title, author, date published, web link or attachment, and a short description to research,Sharing this information will allow SCVO to produce research on coronavirus and its impact on the voluntary

Wave six findings - Spring 2023

The infographic summary, summary report and data tables for the sixth wave of The Scottish Third Sector Tracker are available here. Read our summary report of wave six of the tracker.

Procurement: “inconsistency, bureaucracy, and inflexibility still creating challenges for third sector” 

public sector reviews and voluntary sector surveys chime strongly with the Committee’s summary: Good policies,are in place, but there is still a disconnect between policy and practice on the ground.,From the research reports we looked at we can see that the public sector wants to engage more with the

Finances proving biggest challenge to charities as rising costs bite 

Research also found a third of organisations were dipping into reserves.,Throughout the waves of research, the frequency with which organisations have reported financial challenges,The Scottish Third Sector Tracker is a growing research community made up of representatives from third,The Tracker is run by an independent research company called DJS Research on behalf of SCVO, the Scottish,can be found here:

Charities face staff and volunteer crisis 

that can be undertaken by volunteer involving organisations include ensuring that volunteer expense policies,The Scottish Third Sector Tracker is a growing research community made up of representatives from third,The Tracker is run by an independent research company called DJS Research on behalf of SCVO, the Scottish,ENDS Notes for editors: An Executive Summary of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker’s First Phase of research,can be found here:

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Collaborate with us and our members to develop and promote voluntary sector policy perspectives for Scotland