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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Meet the trainers

trainer training and managing projects.,She has delivered comprehensive in-depth inclusive cultural change programmes to a range of clients,,He’s worked with SCVO for over five years delivering specialist marketing & comms training in his customary,After 20+ years of leading charities and developing innovative approaches to organisational change that,Over the years through our in-house training service, Stevan has delivered in-person first aid training


winners - 2020 Charities and individuals from across Scotland have been recognised for the life-changing,1st, NSPCC Scotland) This Coalition of charities used over 20 years of combined experience to publish,While our campaign delivered an important change in legislation, it was also about driving a positive,Pioneering project – Autism-Friendly Rugby (Strathmore Community Rugby Trust) This unique project aims,A massive thank you has to go to the coaches and volunteers who deliver the sessions.

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

This year, we continued to deliver against the ambitions of our Strategic Plan 2019-22.,& Campaigns An overview of partnership projects and campaigns SCVO has been involved with in 2020/21,The biggest digital project of the year by far has been Connecting Scotland, which SCVO has managed in,Over the year, we delivered 42 courses via 64 online sessions to 478 learners amounting to a total of,we completed the membership review that we started in 2019/20 to update and streamline the value of

Scottish Charity Award winners 2024

Scottish Charity Awards 2024 at a celebratory awards ceremony, hosted by Sally Magnusson on Thursday 20,Read all about our winners: Campaign of the Year - "Cancelling School Meal Debt" - Aberlour Children's,Despite this personal loss, the team continued their life-changing support, delivered 25 special anniversary,The charity’s ‘Cost of Living Project’ was brought to life last year with the help of over 30 local volunteers,Also, to all at FRASAC who deliver such an amazing service for our community, in Fife."

Scottish Charity Awards winners 2022

Read all about our winners: Campaign of the Year- "Hare to stay" Leuchie House Leuchie House provides,Leuchie worked in partnership with Wild in Art to deliver this spectacular free public art event for,Volunteer of the Year- Nan Fotheringham, Coatbridge Citizens Advice Bureau For the past 20 years, Nan,tenacity and creativity of our staff, volunteers and all the amazing partners who occupy the space and change,After a year of huge change and growth, S.M.I.L.E Counselling continues to offer new projects to support

DigiNext event content and speaker videos

how to manage a website project successfully.,P9pkJp1gtmA&list=PLD_XS4xNFQV7qJ5AfjhoikJsnEIkzGXxj&index=5 Speaker profiles Tariq Ali Tariq has over 20,and deliver innovative solutions.,He has worked with a wide range of clients on digital strategy, service design and social media campaigns,For almost 10 years Maddie has been developing and delivering training at SCVO in this area, co-facilitating

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

services team supported voluntary sector organisations while they continued to adapt to an ever-changing,SCVO policy-driven interactions 20 SCVO policy briefings and consultation responses 7 committee appearances,The campaign generated media coverage across 23 publications and united voluntary organisations behind,We hosted more training events than in 2020/21, delivering 4,000 hours of learning to individuals!,most organisations in the sector, we faced significant challenges in managing work throughout the changing

Impact Report 2023/24

David McNeill leads the members' exclusive networking event at the Gathering 2023 Mike Stevenson delivers,Fair Funding for the sector will help to ensure that organisations can provide the services and projects,life-changing work to the communities they support.,support. 351 applications 142 awards made £2.5m distributed 11,512 people supported through funded projects,building vital digital capacity and partnerships in the sector through various learning opportunities: 20

Response to Finance and Public Administration Committee Pre-budget Scrutiny: Managing Scotland’s Public Finances – A Strategic Approach

Our sector supports people into work and helps them to stay there, campaigns against the root causes,funding ambitions must go further than an increase in the number of two-year grants delivered or providing,the goalposts to change in the second year, as has happened with the Investing in Communities Fund.,Yet even this commitment has not been delivered, with multi-year funding deferred, instead, to the forthcoming,For example, The Coalition of Care and Support Provider in Scotland (CCPS) cite a 20% pay gap between

Sector's role in the economy

rights, support the most vulnerable, engage in prevention, nurture creativity, and press for system change