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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Planning for EU Exit (Brexit)

your organisation’s governance is as effective as possible - The Scottish Governance Code for the Third,Around 3,500 EU nationals are directly employed in the Scottish voluntary sector.,At SCVO, we believe every person who works to make a difference to Scottish communities should be valued,Scotland’s voluntary sector is strengthened thanks to their contribution.,The campaign includes regularly updated guides for employers and EU citizens, factsheets, posters and

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

For example, our digital inclusion work, our Coronavirus Third Sector Info Hub, and our one-stop-shop,For example, our digital inclusion work, our Coronavirus Third Sector Info Hub, and our one-stop-shop,Projects & Campaigns An overview of partnership projects and campaigns SCVO has been involved with in,The mPower project (supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU,This year we completed the membership review that we started in 2019/20 to update and streamline the value

Third sector EU workers get backing in face of Brexit

The Scottish Government has pledged to support third sector staff who fear for their futures after Brexit

EU nationals in Scotland feel insecure about future

A campaign group has revealed that Brexit has already had emotional and practical impacts on EU nationals

Brexit is built on shifting - and rapidly disappearing - sands

With Brexit looming, Craig Wilson looks at its implications and the steps that are being taken to ensure,the future of the voluntary sector in Scotland

Plan aims to tackle social care recruitment crisis

Small community teams and a national campaign to promote social care as a career are among the initiatives

Profile interview: Julia Unwin believes civil society is the canary in the mine

Susan Smith met Julia Unwin at the Gathering to discuss the future of civil society during this period

Minister for International Development and Europe visits Edinburgh charity as part of campaign to support,EU nationals

A campaign which aims to encourage EU nationals to stay and continue to live and work in Scotland despite,sector are EU nationals.,Scotland’s economy, public services and third sector are strengthened thanks to their contribution, and,We want to raise awareness of this contribution and encourage those in power - and third sector organisations,colleagues they are valued and to support them over the coming months.

Removing the sharp edges from Brexit: a Scottish third sector perspective

will be bad for Scotland and Scotland’s third sector – exacerbating already difficult circumstances,Through this engagement we’ve found that Scotland’s third sector is overwhelmingly pro-European: 86%,thanks to the contribution made by our valued EU colleagues and we believe it is crucial that they are,We hope this resource with help to ensure EU citizens in Scotland feel valued and offers them some clarity,Leaving the EU will be bad for Scotland and Scotland’s third sector – exacerbating already difficult

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

Up to 2024, oil and gas decommissioning work is valued at £17 billion – with two thirds of this coming,sector, civil society networks, European solidarity and the other benefits of the EU that are not linked,Europe and that she would explore every option to do so.,Third sector organisations have pointed to the lack of UK involvement in the project to establish a European,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests