There has been progress in this space, such as Vodafone’s Charities Connected campaign, but there is,contributions in the right places.,A place-based approach can build on this localised approach, harnessing community assets and working,Funders should understand that digital inclusion activity is a fair and needed element of many projects,It is important that organisations make the right contributions in the right place.
Pioneering Project Move
On - Family Food Service Credit: Colin Hattersley Photography This project fights,with partner organisations, Move On have created a network in Glasgow which enables collaborative approaches,Project.,Already they have expanded their remit to include a Community Space project where they offer retired,Her passion for equality, rights, belonging and believing in people inspired her to join the board at
Afro-Scot Relief Project Afro-Scot Relief Project is a charity committed to promoting the health and,approach and on the belief that it is people’s right to live life free from discrimination and to develop,to influence policy, to communicate effectively, and to support others to learn and build on the approaches,Beginning in 1992 with a groundbreaking and radical Edinburgh-based poster campaign Zero Tolerance successfully,The charity's aim is to lead campaigning in Scotland to end all forms of VAWG by raising public and political
The winners are: Cracking campaign – The Coalition for Equal Protection (Barnardo’s Scotland, Children,While our campaign delivered an important change in legislation, it was also about driving a positive,Pioneering project – Autism-Friendly Rugby (Strathmore Community Rugby Trust) This unique project aims,Winning this award is testament that we are heading in the right direction. Thank you.”,disease (MND) in December 2016, Doddie Weir OBE has inspired people every day with his positive approach
for SCVO for the past 7 years, covering topics such as volunteering, trainer training and managing projects,He trains on strategic topics such as project management and contracts and service level agreements,,Along with his brilliant team, Lawrence is highly experienced in developing campaigns that pack a punch,Pari’s anti-racism and queer rights activism roots her leadership and approach in the experiences of,worked with international, UK and Scottish charities, mostly in the international development, human rights
Read all about our winners: Campaign of the Year- "Hare to stay" Leuchie House Leuchie House provides,The campaign overcame pandemic fundraising challenges in a fun and engaging way, raising more than £193,000,They also got right behind Leuchie House and work we do at the respite centre to provide respite to people,With its green waste recycling project, this organisation is aiming to create a circular economy around,young people who come through their doors during times of challenge with a people-led, listening approach
how to manage a website project successfully.,Rachel has previously worked as Head of Content at Mind, and in equality and human rights advice.,He has worked with a wide range of clients on digital strategy, service design and social media campaigns,diverse range of organisations—from health to environmental charities—Brani has developed a unique approach,Maddie has also been championing the Scottish Approach to Service Design and as one of the co- founders
A good approach is to try small projects over a short timeframe, then 'persevere' with what is working,Bear in mind that WhatsApp will display a user's phone number to you so ensure you have the right privacy,Email campaign tools such as MailChimp are great for newsletters with a mix of links and content.
what needs to happen' Building a cash-first future: can we make food banks history in Scotland Campaigners,the presenting organisations and young women currently working with YWM on the EmBody to EmPower project,transformation.Over the course of two years the communications team at Waverley Care developed an ambitious project,The #EssentialSector campaign is spearheaded by a group of organisations who believe more needs to be,many people in the sector, offering a great networking opportunity” We know we didn't get everything right