Circular Communities Scotland 2023 Impact Report ‘Uniting for a Circular Scotland’
"In this Impact Report, you’ll read stories about the public, private and third sectors working
together, money making enterprises collaborating with the arts, and diverse groups mixing with
a common goal for greater reuse, repair, and recycling.
You’ll be inspired by the work of our members, who continue to provide innovative, engaging
environmental projects under increasing pressure of the cost of living, cost of running and
housing crises"
Impact report, bringing together CCS members' survey findings with a selection of case studies featuring collaborations and partnership, including:
Southside Tool Library’s Power Tool Workshops - a collaboration between South Seed’s Southside Tool Library and local artists co-op ARC Independent.
Cycle Hub - a collaboration between Circular Communities Scotland members Stella’s Voice, Angus Cycle Hub, Gordon Rural Action ‘The Bikery’ and funders Nestrans and Smarter Choices, Smarter Places.
Gro Garden - a collaborative project with Circular Communities Scotland member Glasgow Wood steered by
environmental design studio erz, with artist led group Art Pistol Projects and The Conservation Volunteers.