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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Evidence library

Home Truths: Undoing racism and delivering real diversity in the charity sector (June 2020)

ACEVO and Voice4Change England have published the final report from their year-long Making Diversity Count project titled, Home Truths: Undoing racism and delivering real diversity in the charity sector.

The report is centred on the experiences and expertise of over 500 BAME people who either responded to an online survey, or took part in in-depth interviews.

The report lays out steps both to further open-up the charity sector to BAME people and to re-orientate charity work towards building a racially just society.

The report also makes recommendations for both short and long term actions required to address issues around diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Those actions include:

Short Term Actions:

Writing to members: ACEVO will write to all its members to ask them to publish their ethnicity pay gap data as recommended in the report. We will also ask them to commit to the Racial Diversity Principles, which includes providing a statement about the actions they plan to take.

Publishing data: ACEVO will publish its own pay gap data by the end of July.

Writing to funders: ACEVO and Voice4Change England will write to the largest 20 grantmakers and ask them to publish data on how much of their grants are awarded to BAME-led organisations.

Facilitating training and discussion: ACEVO will add regular equity and inclusion training to its events calendar and encourage discussion within our network to enable peers to support each other in their progress.

Long Term Actions Requiring Funding:

Work with other charities to develop independent or third-party mechanisms for reporting and addressing racism in the charity sector.

Campaign for annual funding to be given to a BAME-led civil society group (or coalition) to carry out an annual ‘BAME Barometer’ survey to capture BAME experiences in charities.

Last modified on 4 December 2024