Total items: 391
Current page: 28
of 40
Pooling Together: How Community Hubs have responded to the COVID-19 Emergency (September 2020)
Pippa Coutts, Hannah Ormston, Lauren Pennycook, Ben Thurman
Carnegie UK Trust
30 September 2020
The Impact of Social Housing: Economic, Social, Health and Wellbeing (September 2020)
UK Collaborative Centre of Housing Evidence (CaCHE) and HACT for the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), Public Health Scotland, and the Rural and Islands Housing Associations Forum (RIHAF).
Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
9 September 2020
COVID-19: Learning Report (August 2020)
Life Changes Trust
27 August 2020
The Future of the Minimum Wage: the Employer perspective. (August 2020)
Becca Gooch, Joe Dromey and David Southgate
Learning and Work Institute and Carnegie UK Trust
20 August 2020
Poverty, Opportunity and Participation Cluster: findings on inequalities highlighted or exacerbated by the response to COVID-19. (August 2020)
Impact Funding Partners Poverty, Opportunity, and Participation (POP) Cluster Group.
20 August 2020