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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Wave five findings — Winter 2022

The infographic summary, summary report and data tables for the fifth wave of The Scottish Third Sector,Key Findings — Summary report The wave 5 summary report is available here The findings from wave five,of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker suggested that third sector organisations were operating in an,Key Findings — Infographic summary Financial pressures continued to dominate the Scottish third sector,Data tables These tables present the in-depth findings from the fifth wave of the Scottish Third Sector

The Scottish Third Sector Tracker – latest updates

Now, more than ever, new models for funding the sector are needed.

Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020 – accredited body fees and proposals for discounting: PVG scheme consultation

The most recent wave of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker has shown that, in Winter 2023, 95% of organisations,The Tracker’s waves 1-6 report has also highlighted that there has been an increase in organisations,latest wave has also shown that, as of Winter 2023, 33% of voluntary organisations list volunteer,This is unsurprising, coming on the back of the Tracker’s waves 1-6 report showing that, between August,As outlined above and in every wave of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker, the voluntary sector finds

State of the Sector 2024: key Scottish voluntary sector figures and trends

in Scotland In a typical year, 4 in 5 households use a voluntary sector service Almost 1 in 3 people,said they had used a services by a charity in the last 12 months (OSCR 2022) 43% of young people said,they had used a service provided by a charity in the last 12 months (OSCR 2022) In 2023 the voluntary,sector’s turnover in Scotland was £9.7bn In 2023 the voluntary sector spent £9.3bn on carrying out its,size and shape and get in touch with our research team if you'd like to know more.

Review of Charity Regulation: Scottish Government consultation

Summary of our response The Scottish voluntary sector is an employer, a partner, and a vital social and,See the latest Scottish Third Sector Tracker, published in February of this year, for evidence of this,Scottish Third Sector Tracker.,Volunteering For example, the Scottish Third Sector Tracker’s latest wave has shown that, as of Winter,This is unsurprising, coming on the back of the Tracker’s waves 1-6 report showing that, between August

Response to Equalities, Human Rights, and Civil Justice Committee pre-budget scrutiny: (The impact of,the Scottish Budget on the public)

The Scottish Third Sector Tracker SCVO’s State of the Sector statistics 2022.,The latest data from the Scottish Third Sector Tracker shows that the running cost crisis has pushed,In the Spring 2023 Third Sector Tracker, 66% of respondents reported an increase in demand for their,Only 5% of organisations reported that the needs within their communities had not increased.,Wave five of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker found: 10% of organisations are uncertain about their

Inquiry into the Scottish Government’s Public Service Reform programme - SCVO response

Our submission draws upon: The Scottish Third Sector Tracker - wave 5 summary report (Winter 2022)SCVO's,of SCVO engagement and research activities into Fair Funding (2022) SCVO's response to the Scottish,The findings from wave five of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker suggest that 10% of organisations are,Third Sector Tracker: Wave five findings, Winter 2022, page 11 A large law and advocacy organisation,Third Sector Tracker: Wave five findings, Winter 2022, page 11 As part of the Scottish Government's

Cost of living crisis: SCVO and Volunteer Scotland briefing for MPs

Introduction and summary The role of the voluntary sector and volunteers in Scottish society is vital,Based on a range of evidence, including Volunteer Scotland’s recent research report, ‘Testing our Resilience,Third Sector Tracker, which gives us a clear and up-to-date picture of the health of the voluntary sector,The findings from the latest wave of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker from summer 2022 show the impact,In the Scottish Third Sector Tracker’s Third Wave, published in Spring 2022, 62% of organisations said