Total items: 138
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of 14
The right foundations: Building a just and sustainable country after coronavirus. (July 2020)
Andrew Paterson
Community Health Exchange (CHEX)
9 July 2020
Building Scotland's Green Recovery (June 2020)
David Kelly, Policy Manager, SCDI
Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI)
30 June 2020
Impact on the Charity Sector During Coronavirus (June 2020).
Institute of Fundraising, NCVO, and Charity Finance Group, with support from PwC.
Institute of Fundraising.
22 June 2020
Third Sector Resilience Fund - summary of submissions to the Local Government and Communities Committee. (May 2020)
Greig Liddell, Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe).
Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe)
15 June 2020