Everyone in your organisation has a role to play in safeguarding.,This section describes the responsibilities of leaders, staff, and volunteers to keep people safe.,oversee safeguarding in their organisation.,Receive safeguarding concerns connected to your organisation and offer immediate management.,Staff and volunteers Anyone involved in delivering your work and activities, such as staff and volunteers
Making sure everyone who works in your organisation, including employees, trustees and volunteers, have,the right support and knowledge on safeguarding is key.,Safer recruitment Whether it’s staff, trustees or volunteers, anyone joining your organisation should,If your organisation has paid staff or volunteers carrying out regulated work, you need to check their,Seek feedback from a wide range of staff and volunteers.
your organisation, responding to the real life issues that your board, staff and volunteers could encounter,Identify the safeguarding risks in your work Your safeguarding activity needs to be suitable for your,Adopt the right policies and procedures Safeguarding policies outline what your organisation will do,Everyone in your organisation, such as trustees, staff, volunteers, should understand how you manage,When developing your safeguarding policies and procedures, you should consider your organisation’s activities
Know your organisation’s purpose It’s vital as a trustee that you know about what your organisation was,You can find this out by reading your organisation’s governing document.,your organisation is and about any potential personal liabilities.,you must always put the interests of your organisation first.,Make sure you’re in control Ask for copies of any key policies on areas such as risk, safeguarding and
There is no one single law on safeguarding for all voluntary organisations.,Your legal obligations depend on: What type of organisation you are: there are specific duties and guidance,If you work with Adults at Risk of harm, you may want to consider the Scottish Government Adult Support,public services, you may have duties to follow the Prevent guidance for Scotland that focuses on support,deliver services and activities online, check out Ofcom guidance on online safety duties If you employ staff
Undertaking safeguarding activities reduces the risk of harm and abuse for your team and all the children,However, there can still be worries that someone in contact with the organisation is struggling or experiencing,If your organisation is a charity and unable to address any serious safeguarding issues or deal with
strategy, culture and values Board and staff relationships Access 1-2-1 support if your organisation,charity SCVO’s free legal advice services partners Brodies will be looking at Navigating risk and safeguarding,Good governance check-up How good is your organisation's governance?,It asks a series of questions about your organisation and gives you a personalised action plan at the,And, if you’re an SCVO member organisation, you can also book a one-to-one session to discuss your check-up
Now that Scotland have moved beyond Level 0, a gradual return to the office is underway for many organisations,The main guiding principle should be how to safeguard the health and wellbeing of your employees.,Supporting Occupational Medicine have multiple resources available, including a person-based risk assessment,and volunteers is a really important consideration when making plans to return to the workplace.,your organisation.
She works with fundraisers, management committees, volunteers and staff across the voluntary sector to,Philippa's current courses: Guide to good governance: running effective board meetings, Guide to good,He has volunteered for 30 years with a voluntary first aid organisation, attending and managing medical,He has supported businesses, charities and institutions in areas of information security and data protection,guides to safeguarding and the law.