Scotland’s procurement system should support and enhance the financial health of voluntary organisations,We work with colleagues across the sector to call for more equitable, effective, and flexible procurement
We work with colleagues across the sector to call for more equitable, effective, and flexible procurement,Latest news & opinion The latest procurement news and blogs.,Read more Latest briefings & policy papers The latest procurement briefings and policy papers from the,Read more Latest consultation responses The latest procurement consultation responses from the policy,Read more Contact us If you have any questions on procurement, want to discuss our calls in more detail
Poor funding and poor procurement approaches risk our sector’s contribution and ability to deliver vital,Our sector urgently needs Fair Funding and streamlined procurement processes to support the essential,of focus We champion a long-term, flexible, sustainable, and accessible approach to funding and procurement,Latest briefings & policy papers The latest Fair Funding & procurement briefings and policy papers from,We share the funding and procurement solutions needed to support a sustainable voluntary sector.
Visit our Funding page to manage any grants that you have been awarded through SCVO or a fund we manage or start a new application, search for other funding to meet your needs using the Funding Scotland database or find out more about what our policy team are doing in the call for Fair Funding for the voluntary sector.
16 August 2023
by Duncan Thorp
Culture & Leisure
Funding & Finance
Social Enterprise Scotland is keen to find out exactly how we can better use public sector spending power to open up more opportunities for social enterprises and the people and communities they serveÂ
and experiences of third sector organisations and new businesses in relation to Scottish public procurement,with third sector organisations and new private businesses to explore their experiences of public procurement,previous research undertaken and the findings will be used to ensure that future delivery of public procurement,Key factors that enable third sector and new business engagement with Scottish public procurement: Provision,processes with proportionate terms and conditions Considerations for improving access to public procurement