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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament - Programme for Government 2022/23: Cost-of-living Debate

better understanding of how the sector is funded by government and public bodies public sector procurement,To support organisations to pay the Living Wage, public grant funding and procured contracts should build

A failure in co-production

After two years of small local groups working together to redesign local services, Edinburgh council wants to give the contract to a national body

Broken promises for third sector as new work programme unveiled

Third sector groups had hoped for a greater role in Fair Start Scotland

Vital meals provision feeds Ayrshire children

Fund will enable free meals for kids across the region

LGBTI people victims of numerous hate crimes

A study by the Equality Network has revealed the extent of hate crimes in Scotland

SCVO response to FoI Reform Bill consultation (Katy Clark MSP)

It is government policy to work towards eliminating barriers to participation in public procurements,,Yet, there is no mention of this under 'procurement' in the 'potential impacts of the proposed bill.',barriers to entering the market are removed rather than created is crucial in the current public procurement

Scotland needs a strong and ambitious Circular Economy Bill

destruction to stop waste and provide quality products for reuse organisations.Circular public procurement

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making (Finance & Public Administration Committee)

This work covers public spending, procurement, fiscal transparency, and the budget.,improvement – its Fiscal Transparency Programme – including a Fiscal Portal and its development of the Procurement,budget lines calculate and publish its total direct funding of voluntary organisations for grants and procured

Fair Work for All by 2025 - hope, dream or reality?

Since the launch of the 2016 Fair Work Framework and the challenge set down by the Fair Work Convention for Scotland to be a world leading Fair Work nation by 2025, there has been much support, new government departments established, a Fair Work Implementation Plan and high level...

Funding Scotland