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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Village Halls and Community Centres

restricted to England & Wales - referencing English legislation or how the Charity Commission can support halls,The report is therefore useful for anyone involved in the governance and management of a village hall

Provide annual revenue grants to encourage community use of village halls in the Highlands. - Halls must,public benefit- The facilities must be available, within reason, to all members of the community- Halls,run and managed by an elected, representative committee from the communityPriority will be given to halls

Funding for village halls each year, which is distributed via the four Federations of Village Halls in,Each Federation aims to support the development of the village halls in their area as well as provide,training and ongoing advice to Village Hall Committees.


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We'll look at who is needed to run a village hall, legal structures including charities and trusts, and,This handbook is for you if you are involved in a village or community hall as: a trustee a member of,What is a village or community hall?,We've chosen to use village or community halls, or village halls, to cover all of these kinds of spaces,Using this handbook We know there's a lot to think about when running a village hall.

People using your hall

One of the key things your hall needs is people using it!,We’ve talked about online ways to manage bookings in our digital village halls section.,Advertising and promoting Make sure people know about your hall and what you have on offer.,also look at our information on using social media and online directories in our section on digital village,halls.

Equality, Inclusion and Accessibility

Village and community halls are at the heart of communities.,show they are open to a diverse range of people – after all, appealing to the community is how your village,hall will survive and prosper.,Village halls and community spaces are classed as service providers under the Equality Act 2010.,No-one using a village or community hall should be discriminated against on the grounds of: age gender

Legal & regulatory responsibilities

There is a wide range of legislation and regulation that relates to managing a village hall or community,It may feel like an overwhelming list, but they are all important parts of keeping your hall safe for

Funding Scotland