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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Transparent funding

As financial pressures intensify, understanding Scottish Government spending decisions is increasingly,improvements to funding data to support voluntary organisations and others to understand Scottish Government

The role of local government in promoting wellbeing: healthy communities programme

It is also likely to be of interest and relevance to central government departments and to health promotion,and improvement specialists working in local government, the NHS and voluntary and community sector,England, the report provides a guide to further action across the levels and functions of local government

Tethered fortunes: The threat to charities from trouble in local government

More than half of charities that work with local government think the council’s current financial situation,poses a moderate or high risk to them Charity income from local government has fallen by more than £2,billion since 2009-10 If charity funding by local government had stayed at 2010 levels, charities would

Free School Meals

The Scottish Government introduced free school meals for all children in primary one to three in January,A Scottish Government announcement in 2014 to provide free school meals to p1 - p3 pupils was followed,The government awarded councils extra funding to implement the policy, which affected 135,000 children,to P3 in the run up to the 2007 parliamentary election and include it in their subsequent local government

Social Security

Through gaining devolved powers, the Scottish Government has pledged to build a fairer social security,“Benefits were an entirely new area for the Scottish Government and they sought our advice from an early,The charity’s head of policy and strategy Marion Davis said: “We lobbied Scottish Government and submitted,“OPFS was extremely pleased and relieved when the Scottish Government continued a commitment to grants

Repealing Ban on Discussing Homosexuality in Schools

series of homophobic attacks on LGBT equality and pro-LGBT Labour councils by Margaret Thatcher’s government,Section 28 (s28 of the Local Government Act 1988 was a controversial GB-wide amendment to local government,It was eventually repealed in the rest of Britain by the Local Government Act in November 2003.

Community Right to Buy

The Scottish Government was committed to simplifying it but not at that stage to extending it.,“The Community Empowerment Bill gave us an opportunity to change this as government officials effectively,We employed a former government solicitor and a legislation drafting expert to help us draft a targeted,After a lot of lobbying we got the Scottish Government to allow communities to buy land if it was abandoned

Who you need

The members of governing bodies go by a variety of names: Trustees Management board or Executive Committee,The name depends on your legal status, governing document and custom and practice.,It’s the part of the organisation with formal power and responsibility, which are detailed in the governing,vote in the event of a split decision- ensuring that AGMs and EGMs are carried out according to the governing

Funding Scotland