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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

The role of local government in promoting wellbeing: healthy communities programme

It is also likely to be of interest and relevance to central government departments and to health promotion,and improvement specialists working in local government, the NHS and voluntary and community sector,England, the report provides a guide to further action across the levels and functions of local government

Control & risk management

organisation to identify and manage risks and opportunities in line with its purposes and values, our governing,reviewing policies, procedures and reporting arrangements (for example, those relating to our internal governance,Regularly reviewing whether our organisation’s legal and governance structure is fit for purpose and

Safeguarding laws, regulation and guidance

You may want to consider the Scottish Government's national child protection guidance.,If you work with Adults at Risk of harm, you may want to consider the Scottish Government Adult Support,duties If you employ staff, you should follow EHRC guidance on tackling sexual harassment and UK government

Organ Donation Opt Out

The Organ Donation Opt Out was introduced by the Scottish Government in 2017, allowing organs to be used,Initial meetings with government officials and ministers met with strong opposition.,A turning point came with the 2016 election, which saw the SNP majority government become a minority,However just four weeks after the election, McColgan received a phone call to say the Scottish Government

SCOPE eLearning platform

The platform has five modules covering the following topics: Governance Financial Fundraising Communications, Risk Management We recommend that you start with the Governance module first, but you can complete the

Part E: SCVO’s role in securing progress on funding - where do we go from here?

SCVO wants to see a convincing response from the Scottish Government and those responsible for disseminating,Scottish Government funds to the funding challenges faced not only by voluntary sector intermediaries


Connecting Scotland is a Scottish Government initiative managed and delivered by SCVO.

Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Act 2023

As OSCR and the Scottish Government proceed with the implementation of the Act’s proposals, we want to

Funding Scotland