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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Act 2023

As OSCR and the Scottish Government proceed with the implementation of the Act’s proposals, we want to


Find out more Good Governance Checkup How good is your organisation’s governance?

Kids Company: What lessons can we learn?

which details serious mismanagement, makes for interesting reading for anyone involved in charity governance,Scotland has its own Governance Code for the Third Sector, which sets out five core principles and key,It’s a great way to get the conversation started about good governance at board meetings.,We’ll cover what you need to know about charity law and good governance and what trustees can and can,Start as you mean to go on with good governance, and learn the lessons from Kids Company.

Review of charity regulation

We want to see the Scottish Government’s commitment to a wider review of charity regulation taken forward

Board behaviour

We will achieve this by doing the following: Being open and honest about how we govern, who we are, and,understanding that real and perceived conflicts of interest must be managed in line with the law, our governing


team, with an appropriate range and balance of skills and experience, to continually improve the governance,by doing the following: Understanding our organisation’s values and purposes, legal structure and governing

SCVO proposals for the Scottish Government: Programme for Government 2022/23

2022/2023 Programme for Government.,A sustainable voluntary sector is also essential for the Scottish Government to progress towards the,sector by sharing relevant proposals with the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government team.,Read our full response to the Scottish Government here: SCVO proposals for the Scottish Government: Programme,for Government 2022/23Download

Smoke Free Public Places

The new Scottish Government initially favoured a voluntary approach but ASH Scotland surveys proved that,Detailed responses were submitted to government consultations on smoking in public places, focused briefings,a strong supporter, proposing a private Member’s Bill which was later picked up by the Scottish Government

Affordable Homes

The Scottish Government formed a group to review subsidy levels – which the SFHA was part of – and the,In 2016, the SNP was elected again to government and subsequently announced a target of 50,000 affordable,Although less than the 60,000 affordable homes our research called for, we welcomed the Scottish Government

Community Wealth Building (CWB)

Through our Chief Executive Anna Fowlie’s role on the Scottish Government’s Community Wealth Building

Funding Scotland