Of course, I recognise the significant financial pressures that the Scottish Government faces and the,I am calling for fair treatment for our sector, in line with the Scottish Government’s stated objectives,In recent years, voluntary organisations in receipt of Scottish Government funding have contended with,people they support.I’m particularly concerned about voluntary organisations in receipt of Scottish Government,of conversations with officials, placing themselves at considerable risk in terms of financial, governance
Summary SCVO and colleagues across the voluntary sector welcomed the Scottish Government’s commitment,In the Programme for Government (PfG) action is urgently needed to deliver multi-year funding and progress,Background For over a decade, the Scottish Government has recognised the need for multi-year funding,,within several Scottish Budgets and Programmes for Government, and the Economic Strategy.,In April 2023, the Scottish Government’s policy prospectus, New leadership - A fresh start, renewed these
about highlighting the great work of trustees across Scotland and the UK, and the role they play in governing,be looking at Navigating risk and safeguarding charities and Turcan Connell will cover Practical governance,Don’t miss the opportunity to feed in your thoughts and views at the Scottish government’s Third Sector,Come along and help us debate how we should fix governance.,And finally, looking towards 2024 we’ve got a great new series of good governance online training starting
Multi-year funding For over a decade, the Scottish Government has recognised the need for multi-year,funding, committing to longer-term funding for the voluntary sector across multiple government strategies,, including within several Scottish Budgets and Programmes for Government.,In discussions relating to multi-year funding, however, the Scottish Government and local authorities,Commit to working constructively with the Scottish Government to support multi-year spending plans.