You can contact us directly to speak to one of our Information Officers, or find helpful guides on many,Contact the Information Service What can we help with If you contact us, we'll provide general information,and responsibilities Recruitment and induction We also have a dedicated HR and employment support service
The guide includes information on how to find funding, tips on what to include in your application, how,Guide to finding funding More support Our Information Service can answer your questions on all elements,Information Service Search for funding Funding Scotland gives access to up to date, high-quality information,More information Funding policy and influencing Running Costs Crisis #EssentialSector Manage your grant
resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and information,Cancer Support Scotland We talked to Stephanie Quigley, service manager with Cancer Support Scotland,All the services provided by our charity are free and are continually evolving, developing to meet the,during the pandemic, we expanded to digital platforms for our wellbeing services adding digital and,Therefore, our biggest challenge now is meeting the demands on our free wellbeing services.
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Our Information Service has always provided help, guidance, and support to third sector organisations,This includes a free enquiry service, online guidance, toolkits and webinars.,For SCVO members with an annual income of under £500,000, the service also includes access to free legal,More support for your organisation Now, SCVO members can get more in depth 1-2-1 support from our information,Our information officers have a combined experience of more than 40 years of helping voluntary sector
SCVO Service Charter Our ambition is to provide excellent customer service.,Our service promise We will… Make it happen Provide a helpful, timely and positive service to everyone,Apologise when things go wrong; taking responsibility and ownership to fix it Make it easy Make our information,Use clear and easy language – no jargon Tell you what will happen when and give updates Provide information,feedback to improve, building on what we do well and improving where needed Only ask for essential information
and conditions of use please note that the following applies to SCVO’s HR and Employment Support Service,: The information provided by SCVO’s HR and Employment Support Service is for general guidance only and,The information and opinions we provide are intended for use as a guidance tool. ,SCVO is not liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising from the use of any information or guidance
What information do we collect?,When you submit an enquiry to the SCVO HR Service - your enquiry and contact details will be recorded,We may anonymise queries and use them for marketing or evaluation of the service.,legal firms who provide the SCVO Legal Advice Service.,You can also ask us to give you a copy of the information and to stop using your information.
responsibility to look after the health and safety of their staff, volunteers and people accessing their services,More information For more information and support see the Health and Safety Executive website.,They also have example risk assessments, policies and information.,Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) provide a subscription-based Health and Safety Service,SCVO's HR & employment support service provides support to people managing organisations, including information