Even though your organisation is winding up, you may want to think about what happens after it has gone. You may need to think about storage of any physical or digital assets, including financial records. You also may want to think about how you celebrate your achievements, and what happens to any people you were supporting.
You may already know other organisation which carry out similar work. If you are going to start referring your users to another organisation it’s a good idea to let that organisation know in advance. If you have a website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok or any other social media presence – what message are you going to leave there once the organisation is closed – will it refer to other organisations?
What will you do with any digital assets such as a website or other social media – will you leave a legacy webpage for one year, for example, after closure. You may be in a contract paying a web host, contact them to agree an end date.
It’s likely that there may be some records which will need to be kept for a certain period of time after your organisation has closed down. Usually, one trustee or committee member will take on the responsibility of storing these documents safely and securely for as long as they need to be kept. Think about whether this needs a lockable cabinet for paperwork or whether some things can be kept electronically - where they will be secure.
You will also need to share your final set of accounts, which show where any assets have been transferred to.
You have done some amazing work and you should shout about it - tell everyone how amazing your organisation was, your achievements and the impact your organisation had. You may want to leave a website live with a cover page explaining what has happened and highlighting your best bits. Or you could prepare a final social media post, email or message to your staff, volunteers, service users and supporters.