information readily available are really valuable to use.,Due to the detrimental impact Covid-19 had on people’s mental health and not being able to access face,-19 there were increased rates of anxiety, depression and complex trauma.,takes additional funding and financial support.,All the staff at Cancer Support Scotland take advantage of the wonderful training opportunities available
They support them to remove any barriers or perceived barriers to access services.,Stage 1 activity is about supporting people into regular activity and positive routines.,Where required, Steps is offered on an outreach basis and meetings are available to individuals in their,Covid As a result of the measures taken following the covid 19 outbreak some APEX services were disrupted,These venues were inaccessible during the COVID 19 Lockdown period and alternative methods of delivery
coronavirus lockdown, they have fed tens of thousands, and provided emotional, financial and practical support,a fall in volunteer numbers as older volunteers were forced to give up their roles to shield from Covid,need to know about running your organisation through the coronavirus pandemic, including the latest funding,available to the sector, in our Coronavirus Third Sector Information Hub.,SCVO – State of the Sector: pre-coronavirus OSCR – COVID-19 Impact on Charities Social Enterprise Scotland
we collect and what we use it for, within the Adapt and Thrive Programme and Communities Recovery Fund,Your application will be made available to the programme partners members.,Where your application identifies activity that relates to another fund within the Covid-19 emergency,funding package, the application may be shared with other relevant Scottish Government departments and,If your application is successful, we will publish details of the financial support provided (with the
There are a number of ESF part funded programmes.,Employability Fund Stage 2 and Stage 3 delivery offers intensive personal development, core skills and,But, as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic these courses are not always available.,Covid Service delivery has changed radically. During lockdown Right Track operated a 7-day week.,This allowed it to offer 7 days a week support, deliver food parcels, maintain remote learning support
Data from the tracker observes the emergence of the sector from the Covid-19 pandemic through 2021, followed,At a time where many organisations are facing recruitment challenges, the funding environment means that,“Existing staff and volunteers have been working flat out since Covid, helping organisations and communities,and considering how roles can be made more flexible to fit with the decreased time volunteers have available,of SCVO, the Scottish Government, the William Grant Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund