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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The 4 Rs of good trusteeship – relationships, responsibilities, reminders and rewards

Sandy Macdonald ponders what it takes to be a good board member during Trustee's Week, and comes up with 4 Rs

Black History Month and beyond

Black History Month 2020 has ended, but as we leave October behind, there is a need to keep up the same levels of energy for learning, discussion and reflection

I wish I’d known this when I was young

Louise Macdonald OBE reflects on her more than two decades at Young Scot

Black History Month and beyond

The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER’s) Kirsty McNeill looks back at the events of BHM2020

Charities are easy pickings for cyber crime gangs

Organised international gangs are increasingly targeting Scottish charities, throwing the future of some groups into doubt

Careful now! Your emerging AI strategy 

In this blog, I’ll highlight some of the areas you should cover.,In digital, we often talk about ‘failing fast’ – trying out a small pilot to gain insights and spot pitfalls

SCVO response to the Finance & Public Administration Committee: Scotland's public finances in 2023-24 - the impact of the cost of living and public service reform

Our submission draws on evidence from: SCVO support services (funding, digital, membership support, and,Delivering better digital public services is also essential to meeting the public's expectations in the,The people most likely to be supported by public services are also those most likely to be digitally,A robust assessment of the impact of digitisation on digitally excluded people, and the development of,SCVO’s thought-leadership blog series highlights the economic return on investment generated from public

Building digital skills – lessons from around the UK

Show leadership: Digital connectivity now affects everything that we do, so most projects can be “digital,leaders and support other individuals and groups to get online.,Wiltshire Council recruits, trains and supports digital champions – local volunteers who support people,, including “electronic village halls” – digital support hubs based in community centres, social housing,They have also created a fictional online family who tweet and blog about their experiences of learning

Can you help us count digital skills and capabilities in Scotland?

If you've heard me talk about digital participation recently, then you'll know that 3 in 10 adults in,5 charities are geared up to accept online donations, and that three quarters are not investing in digital,So when it comes to improving our understanding of digital participation in Scotland, although we still,answer will be the work Lynne is doing to evaluate the impact of all the different projects we'll be supporting

Digital participation: what's next

It's been a busy summer for Team Digital. Here's what's coming up and who's doing what.

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: