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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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of the Scottish Charity Awards this year, but to win two of the categories (Campaign of the Year and Digital,mental health and not being able to access face to face services during the pandemic, we expanded to digital,platforms for our wellbeing services adding digital and telephone counselling, Zoom Coping with Change,workshops, befriending calls and a suite of digital self-help resources which have all been a major,By adding these digital services, we have become more accessible to people living in rural communities

Digital Motivators

Once you've been through this guide you may also find it helpful to explore our companion guides, Digital,inclusion: How to and Digital Champions: How to.

Place-based digital inclusion

What is ‘place-based’ digital inclusion?,up to provide holistic support for supporting people online, taking a place-based approach to digital,inclusion supports a range of community-wide benefits for citizens.,With regular communication and personalized support, we are committed to bridging the digital divide,Our digital inclusion team will guide participants through practical exercises, offering hands-on experience

What SCVO has done

initiative to bring devices, training and connectivity to 50,000 people across the country who are digitally,Information, resources and support We also provided practical information, resources and support.,capacity building in the voluntary sector with a particular focus on digital services, digital inclusion,young people, staff and employers Support services And we responded quickly to flex and adapt our support,tenants from our shared office space and managed IT client to work remotely using digital tools to do

Digital inclusion challenges: Design

care services and supports.,a framework for digital inclusion in health and social care (Digital Inclusion: Digital Pillars | TEC,In addition to supporting people to be digitally included, the programme is also focusing on building,tailored to mental health and to housing, and also by supporting the co-production of a digital inclusion,practice guide to support frontline staff working across different areas of the health and social care

Planning your digital inclusion support

This section gives you an overview to follow for any digital inclusion project.,The remaining sections of our guide provide the detail about each area.,Starting your digital inclusion journey Here are some key things to consider when planning your digital,inclusion support journey: What do your services users need? ,Let your service users and wider networks know about your digital inclusion support.

New service delivery models

, see our How To Guide: Digital Services SCVO in collaboration with Third Sector Lab are also supporting,See this guide from Cast on the principles behind developing good digital services. ,Remember the need to protect privacy and support good safeguarding practice where users are sharing personal,Think about issues around social and financial inclusion.,Housing Association might need to give its tenants free WiFi, or a youth organisation might want to offer supported

The role of the Digital Champion

It can also feel like a big responsibility and this guide is here to help support you.,In this guide we will use the term ‘Digital Champions’ to cover all these terms.,She is supported by the community centre staff and provides digital skills support every Wednesday between,a specific paid post to promote digital inclusion.,Example:Alison works as a Digital Inclusion Officer for a local community organisation, it’s a new post

Your users

When you move a service online you need to understand how your users already engage with the digital,need to help your users to get online, develop their skills or access devices and connectivity see our guide,to Digital Inclusion.,It offers two short checklists that users can complete with your support.,ensure you familiarise yourself with these features, and design and test your service so that it is inclusive

Trustees' Week 2021

We want to say thank you to the 250,000 trustees across the country who help shape and guide voluntary,Use our Good Governance tool now Events With the support of CCLA Investment Management SCVO is hosting,tools can make your board more inclusive Join SCVO's Digital team to explore new ways of thinking to,help your board become more inclusive - you will get lots of tips and techniques to use digital tools,We’ve created a Trustee Network in partnership with abrdn to provide support and guidance for members

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: