the Scottish Charity Awards this year, but to win two of the categories (Campaign of the Year and Digital,mental health and not being able to access face to face services during the pandemic, we expanded to digital,platforms for our wellbeing services adding digital and telephone counselling, Zoom Coping with Change,workshops, befriending calls and a suite of digital self-help resources which have all been a major,By adding these digital services, we have become more accessible to people living in rural communities
Doing digital inclusion requires some level of resource.,It can be a commitment to using existing resources, including how your workforce embed digital practices,Key actions Invest in digital upskilling Protect time for workforce digital upskilling Map existing internal,inclusion activity.,Check out our Digital Inclusion Masterclass video 'Doing digital inclusion with limited resources': https
Digital inclusion is a team effort, so we've designed a series of workshops that we can deliver in-house,inclusion: a session for the wider workforce to introduce digital inclusion and build support for your,Digital inclusion strategy: a session for a smaller group to develop your approach to digital inclusion,Digital Champions: a session for a smaller group to plan how you'll recruit, train, and support a dedicated,This will help guide your conversations with our team.
Now that you've got a solid understanding of digital exclusion and how it affects the people you support,Key actions Be a digital leader Build support for digital inclusion across the organisation Embed digital,inclusion in your organisational policies and strategies Measure and review your impact Be a digital,Cross-organisation support It's crucial that there is support from senior management for digital inclusion,We've seen success where organisations set up a short-life-working-group to help guide this process.
Engaging actively in partnerships, internal and external, in support of digital inclusion.,We are working to build a community around the work that happens across the country, to support, guide,We’ve developed a guide to support you in how you can make positive, sustainable change happen.,Our place-based guide is informed by our years of experience in supporting communities to understand,and deliver digital inclusion.