The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.
Resourcing any project can be a challenge. In your community mapping exercise you will hopefully have identified existing resources within your community. You may have some gaps that you need to fill in. Here are some of the different resources you may need to consider:
Funding can be a huge boost to a place-based initiative. This may be funding to support a specific role, the costs of providing devices and/or connectivity or the cost of maintaining a community venue that provides digital inclusion support.
Find funding for your charity, community group or social enterprise using SCVO's free online search engine Funding Scotland.
When you’re looking for devices consider the environment. There are lots of organisations that refurbish old devices so that they don’t end up in landfill – this can often be a more cost effective way to support local people online. Have a look at our list of device refurbishment organisations here, or check out how you can think about doing it yourself here.
Device lending libraries can be great opportunities for new internet users to try devices before they think about buying them. They can also be useful if a person has a short-term task to complete but lacks the right equipment, like filling in a job application or writing a CV which is difficult to do on a smartphone. Having a stock of devices that can be used in this way is a great way to support people online.
Providing devices and connectivity can be supported through dedicated funding. However, there are other avenues you can explore to support access:
Raise awareness of social tariffs. Social tariffs are less expensive internet connections available to lower-income people and recipients of certain benefits. Helping people to learn about eligibility means they can save money and have their own connection. Find out more in this information from Ofcom.
Consider applying to Vodafone's charities.connected initiative to distribute free connectivity. You can apply for free Vodafone SIMs, each loaded with 40GB data a month for six months, plus unlimited calls and texts.
Consider providing public access wi-fi as part of a hub approach in your local community. This can mean that people have an opportunity not just to explore if taking out a broadband contract is worth it for them, it can also mean that those that can’t afford to can access essential public services. Access to the internet can sometimes mean the difference between receiving benefits or a sanction.
The most precious resource in any digital inclusion initiative is the people. Taking a place-based approach to digital champion networks may result in improved outcomes and better joined-up working. Through our work it has become clear that local people understand local need and have a better understanding of local assets – this is one of the key principles of place-based working. Digital Champion networks at a local level could help to build capacity and enable better sharing of information as well as offer more meaningful signposting. There is an increased appetite for this model across places in Scotland, and we anticipate that it could provide better peer support as well as creating a local community of practice. Some resources to help support your Digital Champions:
We also have a fantastic curated hub of online resources to support people to improve their digital skills. It focuses on what people want to learn and might be interested in, rather than just on the individual skills.
Use our Essential Digital Skills Check-up to measure your own or your learners’ skills! This is a really handy resource that’s free to use, and means that you can keep track of how the people you’re supporting are doing in terms of their skills!
A key resource in place-based digital inclusion is accessible venues. Some considerations:
Venues should be accessible to everyone. This includes physical access, as well as the nature of the building and if it may prevent some groups from attending.
A hybrid approach to digital support means that people who cannot access the physical spaces, e.g. because of disabilities or geography, are not excluded from support. This should be explored in your mapping/discovery stage to help inform solution e.g. outreach, remote support. Place-based digital inclusion is for all the people in a specific place, not just for people who can access a specific venue in that place.
Consider a venue where other activities can be co-located. This can help improve engagement and reduce stigma for some people.
Venues can be costly, but there have been some examples of local authorities repurposing disused units on the high street to setup digital hubs. Involve your local authority in your initiative to explore these options.
In this short video, Martina from North West Glasgow Voluntary Sector Network shares some insights on the resources they have and how they make a little go a long way.
The idea of sustainability in digital inclusion is often misunderstood. Digital inclusion cannot be sustained without ongoing resource, whether this is the purchase of devices, provision of connectivity or even the availability of people to support digital skills. This all comes at a cost. When we refer to sustainability in digital inclusion we are really talking about making our efforts 'more sustainable' - making what resources we've got stretch a bit further.
Top tips to make your initiative more sustainable
Co-produce your initiative with people in your community to ensure you are developing the right solutions and secure long-term buy-in.
Buy refurbished devices at a fraction of the cost of a new device. Sustainable for your budget as well as the environment!
Consider using a lending library model or public access to devices, rather than a gifting model, or a mix of both. Different models are appropriate for different circumstances, so finding what works for your initiative can help build more sustainability.
Consider the governance of your initiative which will help you when it comes to finding funding and provide strong leadership even when key people move onto different roles.
Capture your success stories and impact. This isn't just to satisfy your funders, but it also tells the story of the difference you're making for the people in your community. This can help promote ongoing engagement as well as maintain the motivation of your workforce.