Communities already possess valuable assets that can help address digital exclusion challenges whether it's knowledgeable individuals, accessible public spaces, shared devices, or networks. The key lies in connecting these assets to meet local needs effectively. Feedback from initiatives we've worked with suggests that external facilitation in a cross-sector partnership forum can provide a sense of clarity to help identify, challenge and support communities to repurpose resources for sustainable change.
SCVO's digital team uses John McKnight’s Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) framework to guide this process. This approach empowers organisations to look beyond deficits and focus on strengths. By emphasising what communities already have, they can create solutions that reflect local needs and aspirations. ABCD fosters resilience, innovation, and sustainable progress—a powerful shift from traditional, top-down methods.
The first step in any place-based digital inclusion initiative is to understand the specific needs of your community. Organise interactive sessions with community members, using techniques such as retrospectives, vision statement and problem-scoping, to gather insights. This process allows you to create a clear picture of what your community needs and lays the foundation for effective action.
The Place Standard tool is a simple way to conduct a community needs assessment.
In this short video, NEoN Digital Arts share how they conducted a needs assessment of their community (young people):
Be proactive in identifying groups that might be overlooked, such as older adults, low-income individuals, people with disabilities, or those in geographically isolated areas. These populations may have unique needs that require tailored solutions. Consider partnering with local organisations that already work with these groups to ensure your digital inclusion efforts reach everyone.
The Consumer Data Research Centre has produced a detailed mapping of neighbourhoods by internet user classification.
Digital exclusion often intersects with other challenges, such as transportation, language barriers, or cultural differences. A holistic approach is necessary to address these overlapping issues. For example, someone might struggle not only with digital access but also with mobility issues that prevent them from attending in-person support sessions. Understanding and addressing these complexities is key to creating effective and inclusive solutions.
Explore different barriers to digital using this bridge activity with your partnership. List barriers for the community on the left-hand side, the process to tackle those barriers in the middle, and on the right list the benefits of removing the barriers.
Recognise the existing community assets that can be leveraged to drive digital inclusion, such as local organisations, physical spaces, and digital infrastructure. At the same time, identify the barriers that need to be addressed, such as lack of internet access, cost of equipment, or cultural differences that may hinder engagement.
Using the traffic light system: