What is ‘place-based’ digital inclusion?,Place-based digital inclusion is about building sustainable solutions to digital exclusion which take,up to provide holistic support for supporting people online, taking a place-based approach to digital,Through the Place Based Digital Inclusion programme, we've collaborated with diverse communities across,our interim learning report ‘Taking a Place-based Approach to Digital Inclusion: The Journey so Far’
We can only create an effective digital inclusion infrastructure through coordinating our efforts to,Partnerships to support digital inclusion activity operate on multiple levels including: Informal collaborations,- one to one and multi partner collaborations usually operating in a local area to support digital skills,Larger locality-based partnerships (with wide ranging memberships, often supported by dedicated staff,and funding) usually operating within a local authority area, such as our place-based digital inclusion
Key actions Be a digital leader Build support for digital inclusion across the organisation Embed digital,Cross-organisation support It's crucial that there is support from senior management for digital inclusion,Involving people in the design of your approach can help embed digital inclusion more effectively and,it's also a great way to influence the direction of your approach based on their own experiences of,Make sure you've got the systems in place to be able to collect the data and stories you need to do this
We also know that digital inclusion is not something that once achieved lasts forever; any one of us,By doing more, digital inclusion can be the key to unlocking life changing opportunities.,We need a response that provides the right support, at the right time and in the right place.,To help, our team can provide: Support to benchmark and grow the digital capabilities of your workforce,approach to embedding digital inclusion Support to develop partnerships and new place-based approaches
But there’s so much more still to do.,worked to understand the best way to support organisations to commit to supporting digital inclusion,Our five new pledges are designed to support, guide and recognise the work that organisations do in Scotland,– from developing their understanding of digital exclusion, to delivering support to those that need,Approach: We commit to delivering on digital inclusion across our organisation, based on our understanding
Link to poverty and inequality The profile of people who do not have essential digital skills is unsurprisingly,Therefore, we must be mindful of where time and resources are allocated in building digital inclusion,Organisations should consider their approach to digital upskilling and ensure that this forms a core,For beginners, community-based support (those trusted faces in local places) can be best.,Face-to-face digital skills support based in local communities (for example, in libraries) should be
There should also be consideration of the environmental cost in promoting digital inclusion.,Our digital inclusion infrastructure needs to provide options for people to access suitable devices to,The type of device would be based on individual need.,Across Scotland there are countless voluntary sector organisations doing amazing work to tackle digital,The shelf-life of devices also raises questions around the environmental impact of digital inclusion
Think of a time when you've supported someone to do something online or when you've shown someone how,A good Digital Champion is: Friendly, approachable, and eager to help others learn new skills A good,In fact, it actually makes you a better Digital Champion if you don’t know how to do everything.,You may have most of the digital skills to offer support to others, but if you’re not sure, it’s important,Some places may use different language, for example Digital Buddies, Digital Helpers or Digital Heroes
Whether it’s improving a service, rethinking a process or doing user-testing.,“I don’t buy Nestle but I use Google and I need to do something about it” Dare to rethink how we engage,range of organisations—from health to environmental charities—Brani has developed a unique approach,Her methodology places humans at the centre of problem-solving and decision-making, empowering leaders,As Head of Digital at Simon Community Scotland he leads on digital inclusion through the national Get