Funding guide Our funding guide takes you through the key steps to consider when thinking about funding,for your organisation.,The guide includes information on how to find funding, tips on what to include in your application, how,Guide to finding funding More support Our Information Service can answer your questions on all elements,More information Funding policy and influencing Running Costs Crisis #EssentialSector Manage your grant
people accessing our support we must increase our services to meet demand, which takes additional funding,We'd love to share your story.,people accessing our support we must increase our services to meet demand, which takes additional funding,We'd love to share your story.,You might also find it helpful to have a look through our frequently asked questions, where we've answered
We've got information on what kind of funding you can look for, how to give your applications for grants,the best chance of success, and ideas of lots of kinds of fundraising: Guide to finding funding Funding,We keep it up-to-date to make it as easy as possible for you to find great opportunities.,SCVO members can access premium content and functionality: Funding Scotland Good governance Your management,Find out more about: Legislation & regulation that may affect youBusiness planning and development, and
, Funding Scotland is a free online search engine SCVO’s Guide to Finding Funding is a useful source,of advice and information Members of SCVO have access to the Goodmoves salary guide to help benchmark,Principles or the TSI Scotland Network Local Fair Funding Charter to campaign for better funding The,organisations to anticipate and design closures, mergers and service endings If you are considering winding up your,organisation, the SCVO guide to closing down a charity contains useful advice and guidance SCVO members
And we'll look at things like sustainability and net zero, digital skills and finding funding.,This guide will help you plan and prioritise your activities, whether you're just starting out or having,Watch to find out more. What is a village or community hall?,of help in avoiding common, serious or unnecessary mistakes, mitigating risk and helping to ensure your,its operations are: Compliant Efficient Thriving Sustainable Focused on core activities Depending on your
Find out what to think about if you’re considering closing or winding up an organisation, and in what,You might be choosing to close down because of: a loss in sources of funding or a loss of support difficult,finding trustees or members for the organisation less of a need for your services significant change,who still need your support.,The Good Merger Guide from Eastside People is a step by step guide to mergers for charities. change your