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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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How to write your constitution

Purpose of your organisation Your constitution should outline the purpose of your organisation, what,Changes to your constitution Your constitution should outline how you will make any changes to it.,write your constitution If you’re setting up an organisation to carry out activities in a local area,in Scotland you can get one to one help from your local Third Sector Interface (TSI) which supports,It is possible to set up a charity without legal or professional advice but if you are setting up a complex

Setting up a charity

Here’s an overview of what you need to think about when you’re setting up a charity, and what we’re going,to talk you through in this guide. 1 Before you start Benefits of becoming a charity About your charity,2 Decision making and governance Choosing the right structure How to write your constitution Model constitutions

About your charity

What will your charity do?,The way that charities operate and function is set out in a piece of law called the Charities and Trustee,This law sets out the charity test, which is the basis for how OSCR assess all applications to register,Describing your charitable purpose Your charitable purposes should explain WHAT your charity is going,How many people you benefit and who they are will depend on the charitable purposes set out in your constitution

Choosing the right structure for your organisation

The type of structure that's right for your organisation will depend on what you're planning to do and,When you've made a decision, you can read our guidance on writing a constitution and use our model constitutions,require you to be incorporated e.g. a SCIO or a company a charity is not a type of structure, you need to set,However, it does mean that if you choose to set up as a Company you will have to report to both OSCR,If you choose to set up as a SCIO than you can’t be anything other than a SCIO.

SCVO's strategy for 2023-28

Charity Award winners 2021 Strategy for 2023-28 Ambitious for SCVO,ambitious for the voluntary sector Setting,Whether your organisation is big or small, national or local, however it’s constituted, we’ve got your,This strategy sets out where and how we can make the most difference.,Tell us what you think We'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and feedback on our strategy.,Your voice is so important to help us represent the voluntary sector. Get in touch

Post-legislative scrutiny: Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014

Our position Contract income from the public sector constitutes a significant portion of the voluntary,Contracting authorities should write Invitations to Tender (ITTs) in clear, straightforward language,,Q6: What is your experience of tendering or bidding for framework contracts and lots within large contracts,, are these becoming more prevalent in Scotland, and what is your view on how accessible these opportunities,organisations must dedicate considerable effort and resources to understand and adapt to each specific set

Free professional advice in Small Charity Week, and every week for SCVO members

The second on 20 September will look at how to set up a trading subsidiary to generate income for your,If trading is something you are looking at, here are four key issues to consider: Constitution Before,in line with your charitable purposes, and if you have the necessary investment powers to finance your,If you don’t, then you’ll need to change your constitution.,So, even if the trading activity fulfils your primary charitable purposes, you may still want to set

Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

Let’s keep this online – change your constitution to keep virtual meetings

Thanks to Burness Paull for updating the SCVO model constitutions, providing this blog and further guidance,to help you through the process of changing your constitution to allow virtual meetings.,In order to support good governance, those amendments to the constitution should not just remove barriers,Voluntary Association Company Limited by Guarantee Trust Burness Paull - Step by step guidance to change your,constitution to allow for remote participation in meetings OSCR - Changing your governing document to

Exclusive: Stonewall told it must stop taking "blood money" from the arms trade

Former and current staff have said the LGBTQ+ charity must end its partnerships with weapons manufacturers