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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Trustee's Week 2023

Support for trustees all year round SCVO provide support for trustees, including: Lots of information,SCVO Trustee Network which you can sign up to for information and news on relevant topics and free webinars,for ongoing support then check out SCVO’s trustee network supported by Rathbones Investment Management,Through the trustee network, we offer guidance and information for members of boards and committees,,Join the SCVO trustees' network

SCVO Trustee Network

With that in mind, we've created a Trustee Network to provide support and guidance for members of boards,Here you will find information and news on relevant topics, webinars where you can hear from experts,quarterly Trustee News Bulletin which will keep you updated with practical information and useful event,New trustee? Congratulations!,TFN Guide to Running a Charity or Social Enterprise 2024 Third Force News have published the 'TFN Guide

Trustees' Week 2021

Use our Good Governance tool now Events With the support of CCLA Investment Management SCVO is hosting,of the Trustee Recruitment Cycle to help you build the board that your charity needs and hear about the,SCVO Trustee Network Trustee looking for further networking opportunities?,We’ve created a Trustee Network in partnership with abrdn to provide support and guidance for members,Here you will find information and news on relevant topics, webinars where you can hear from experts

Good Governance: Future proofing for trustees

We be brought together 100 trustees and charity and governance experts to celebrate Trustees' Week 2024,Changes include a new register of charity trustees and extensions to the list of disqualification for,These include: ACOSVO who have a Chairs Network offering peer support, good practice and experience and,Recent work includes governance support for the Public Interest News Foundation and Demos.,Zoe is part of The Decelerator's network of practitioners supporting and enabling better endings in civil

Support & learning

Setting up a charity What to consider when setting up a new voluntary organisation, including legal structures,Self-study eLearning Learn at your own pace, and at a time that suits you with these free modules SCVO Trustee,Network With over 250,000 trustees across the country who help manage, shape and guide voluntary sector,to board members Information Service The SCVO Information Service offers help for anyone setting up,management and reporting platform known as Milo that is used by Scotland’s Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) Networks


CCLA is the UK’s largest charity fund manager*.,We believe investment markets can only be as healthy as the communities and environment that support,We are working with our clients and the investment industry towards a new era of promoting the common,We are proud to support the SCVO Trustees Network, Scottish Charity Awards and the Gathering, to strengthen,Contact for further information.

You're a charity! What next?

Congratulations on becoming a registered charity in Scotland.,Our information on running your organisation Now that you’re up and running as a charity, we can offer,lots of support on how you can run your organisation.,premium content and functionality: Funding Scotland Good governance Your management board, your trustees,to doTemplates, model policies and moreOur Trustee Network, for the latest news and networking Employing


As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, and as new technical innovations come along,guidance to tackle the practical and ethical issues around AI SCVO’s guide to remote working contains information,on digital tools, along with guidance on supporting staff while working remotely Preventing Charity,from fraud and cybercrime Third Sector Lab help to match charities with trustees with digital experience,Digital is a social enterprise that empowers third sector organisations to go digital The SCVO Comms Network

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

Hello to our 256 new members, 13 new supporters – and welcome back to our existing ones!,We also produced our annual Third Force News Guide to Running a Charity or Social Enterprise, which focused,v=UlooStgKZG0 Information, resources and support We created an online Coronavirus Third Sector Information,There's more information about the work of our support services in the ‘Support Services’ section on,We also delivered five events in Trustees Week and launching a new Trustees Network sponsored by Aberdeen