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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The Gathering 2020 in pictures

More than 3,000 people from across Scotland's voluntary sector travelled to the SEC to enjoy SCVO's annual

Best practice for funders

Intelligence Many funders are gathering intelligence and carrying out reviews to help inform strategic,produce research on coronavirus and its impact on the voluntary sector, such as our report from June 2020,or our review from September 2020.

Good HQ

We built it to do three things: To help charities and good causes gather feedback about what they’re

Safety and security

Informed consent You should gather consent before providing digital support, in the same way as you would,This standard wording for gathering consent can be adapted for your service Safeguarding vulnerable groups

The Law

Join us at The Gathering Related training and events

Cool for cats: being curious not careless online 

Back in November last year, at SCVO’s ‘The Gathering’, our talk came with a simple request of the audience,themselves, to improve the key skills required to navigate the often-tricky media landscape of the 2020s

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3 A rapidly-changing context What changed from March 2020 Our ambition: everyone,In our previous call to action in 2018, we saw that digital change was already gathering a lot of momentum,All of this changed in March 2020.,Anti-racism, diversity and equality The 2020 Black Lives Matter protests mobilised millions of people,What changed from March 2020 During the pandemic, organisations of every size underwent a rapid and almost

New service delivery models

Gathering user insight and feedback Embedding a short, easy survey in your outbound communication, for

(December 2020)

Carried out in November 2020, it builds on the comprehensive data gathered from OSCR’s first COVID-19,Overall impact: In November 2020, 92% of Scottish charities reported some form of negative impact from,common impact (90% of charities) was upon charities’ ability to deliver their services (92% in May 2020,lost income from fundraising (51% in May 2020) Three quarters (75%) saw a negative impact on staffing,and administration (96% in May 2020) 8% of charities said they had seen no impact at all or did not