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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2023

A shining example of community climate action, the charity’s community-owned coach saved 69 tonnes of,Community Action - Fresh Start Scotland Fresh Start Scotland is committed to working with the community,Biddy Kelly, managing director, Fresh Start Scotland said: "We would like to say how delighted we are,Digital Citizen - Simon Community Scotland Drug deaths remain a cause of concern in Scotland, particularly,To tackle this issue, Simon Community Scotland worked directly with 100 women to understand how digital

Programme for Government proposal 2024/25: Transparent voluntary sector funding

support the scrutiny of voluntary organisations, civil servants, and scrutiny bodies, such as Audit Scotland,support the voluntary sector’s vital work with people and communities across Scotland.,across Scotland.,By committing to the actions described in this paper, the Programme for Government can ensure actions,scrutiny bodies, and Scottish Government to understand and measure progress towards Fair Funding for Scotland’s

SCVO Briefing to Scottish Parliament: Programme for Government 2024/25

In the Programme for Government (PfG) action is urgently needed to deliver multi-year funding and progress,In April 2023, the Scottish Government’s policy prospectus, New leadership - A fresh start, renewed these,The most recent Scottish Budget made no further commitments, deferring action on any multi-year funding,Many deliver vital services and work with some of Scotland’s most marginalised communities.,groups work with people and communities across Scotland to make Scotland a better place.

Scottish Government Debate Briefing: Tackling Child Poverty and Inequality Through the Scottish Budget

Summary Scotland’s voluntary sector plays an essential role in supporting people and communities across,communities as the cost-of-living crisis bites.,20% pay gap between NHS support workers and voluntary sector social care support workers who are starting,across Scotland.,Conclusion Scotland’s voluntary sector works with people and communities across Scotland experiencing

Programme for Government proposal 2024/25: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026

In the Programme for Government (PFG) action is urgently needed to define, deliver, and measure Fair,Context In the Scottish Government’s policy prospectus New leadership - A fresh start, the Cabinet Secretary,Budgets and Programmes for Government, and the Economic Strategy, but this rhetoric has not been met by action,Action is increasingly urgent.,To achieve fairer funding by 2026 the Programme for Government should share the action the Scottish Government

Response to Equalities, Human Rights, and Civil Justice Committee pre-budget scrutiny: (The impact of the Scottish Budget on the public)

priorities set out by the First Minister in the Policy Prospectus, “New leadership - A fresh start”:,Provides essential support and services to people and communities across Scotland.,The Scottish Government’s policy prospectus New leadership - A fresh start, has committed to delivering,More recently, in the policy prospectus, New leadership - A fresh start, the First Minister recognised,start.

Committee asks how voluntary sector funding can be improved

In April 2023 the Scottish Government’s policy prospectus New leadership - A fresh start, the Cabinet,and capacity it needs to support the transformation and delivery of person-centred services for Scotland’s,To support voluntary organisations, our staff and volunteers, and the people and communities our sector,works with, the Scottish Government must both take action and develop timelines and goals to monitor,support the many contributions of voluntary organisations, their staff, and their volunteers across Scotland

Response to Finance and Public Administration pre-budget scrutiny: The sustainability of Scotland's finances

three policy priorities set out by the First Minister in the Policy Prospectus, “New leadership - A fresh,start”: tackling poverty and protecting people from harm; creating a fair, green and growing economy,Provides essential support and services to people and communities across Scotland.,The policy prospectus, ‘New Leadership - A fresh start’, stated that transparency must underpin delivery,start While monthly reports published by the Scottish Government on spend over £25,000 offer insight

Pre-Budget Scrutiny Evidence: Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Committee’s inquiry on effective decision-making within the Scottish Government highlighted several actions,public finances, and we acknowledge the work of the Scottish Exchequer as part of the Open Government Action,delivering on its Fairer Funding commitments, as outlined in the Policy Prospectus, New leadership - A fresh,start.,We recommend Scottish Government: Align funding priorities and take immediate action: Align Scottish