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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Radical change is needed to limit global warming

Rosie Watson warns that immediate, drastic action is required to successfully limit warming to 1.5 degrees

After Paris: publish and be damned?

Fighting for press freedom across the world

A new volunteering strategy for Scotland

Paul Okroj believes a new strategy for volunteering can ensure people continue to give their time and,effort for the next 10 years

Surplus food is no solution to food poverty

Martin Sime argues foodbanks are a symbol of human kindness, not a blight on our society

Don't fear imposter syndrome when you're part of an epic team making a difference

Fee Brown on how she finds inspiration everyday working at Penumbra

Would we have foodbanks in a socially just Scotland?

Are foodbanks part of the solution to poverty?

Tailoring communications for the digital age

The secret of success is to make use of statistics, experts told Robert Armour at Comms Rewired

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making (Finance & Public Administration Committee)

ahead to the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2020-21: Valuing the Third Sector, the Equalities and Human,significant amounts of data were collected locally but were not used to inform local or central equalities or human,rights policies’.,As Sheghley Ogilvie from SCVO explained in a blog post last year: ‘I’ve often heard the Programme for,There is a big assumption that everyone has this or knows who to contact but many do not.

International dementia conference set for Scotland next month

Experts from the UK, USA, Australia and China will be speaking at the Alzheimer Scotland Annual Conference 2016 set to be attended by 600 people next month

Keeping your charity out of the news

Tracey Bird explains how charity trustees can avoid their organisations hitting the headlines for all