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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Strengthening Scotland’s Voice in Europe

Rachel Le Noan blogs on the importance of the voluntary sector's voice in Europe, and how you can have,As daily news reminds us, world politics and dynamics are powerful and have consequences for us all,,The results of these elections will without a doubt affect the relationship between the UK and the European,This is not about reframing the debate on the relation between the UK and the EU.,This is about ensuring that the role of the voluntary sector is acknowledged and valued in an ever-changing

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making (Finance & Public Administration Committee)

The reports above all clearly identify four main themes that underpin the relationships between the public,Ensure transparency of decisions and information across all its directorates by recording and publishing,And yet, we also start hearing testimonials about how those relationships are now going back to the way,We must build a new type of relationship between all sectors, where the voluntary sector is valued as,As Sheghley Ogilvie from SCVO explained in a blog post last year: ‘I’ve often heard the Programme for

Building trust and transparency: trustees and fundraising

In this blog, Chartered Institute of Fundraising Head of Scotland, Hazel Crombie, shares how trustees,Trustees are in a unique position to transform an organisation by making sure its fundraising lines up,with its purpose, values and culture.,fundraiser, what stood out to me as I read it was the importance of developing trusting and transparent relationships,I’ll be talking about all of this, and more, in our joint Trustees and Fundraising webinar with SCVO

Chartered Institute of Fundraising consulting on job cuts

The organisation has said that they expect the number of roles removed from the organisation to be “fewer than ten”.

SCVO response to Building Community Wealth consultation (Scottish Government)

About our response The past few years have been a whirlwind of escalating crises.,challenges it encounters in paying the Living Wage, to develop solutions, and to ensure Fair Work First, and its,SCVO has undertaken work with its members and partners across local and national government to gather,Wealth Building is a permanent agenda, then we need to be able to point to places where people can learn about,challenges it encounters in paying the Living Wage, develop solutions, and ensure Fair Work First, and its

A coaching response to Covid-19

David Bryan reflects on the power of re-establishing relationships and how coaching can help build the

Tailoring communications for the digital age

The secret of success is to make use of statistics, experts told Robert Armour at Comms Rewired

Cost of living crisis: SCVO and Volunteer Scotland briefing for MPs

However, there remains high uncertainty about the level of support for voluntary organisations to pay,The sector has diversified its income sources since the financial crash.,funding relationship with the public sector is a significant variable in its resilience.,Taking all this evidence into consideration, it is clear that volunteering is under considerable threat,Volunteering Action Plan, published earlier this year, to develop and deliver volunteering that is truly for all

Why we need more youth work

Dona Milne, chair of Lothian Association of Youth Clubs, writes about what's new in Scotland's National

Gamekeepers given green light to slaughter ravens

Conservationists have reacted with fury and disbelief to the decision to allow a mass cull of ravens in Scotland