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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Make fuel poverty history

Helen Melone explains the key points of Scotland's draft fuel poverty bill

Housing bill threatens tenants’ rights

Housing body calls for amendments to housing bill.

Win for charities on lobbying law

Scottish charities have secured a significant victory in the fight to curb the worst excesses of legislation aimed at reigning in lobbying

How technology helped MND sufferer find her voice

after she was diagnosed with motor neurone disease (MND) has described the lifeline given to her by new

Will Scotland’s social security system be as fair as it can be?

Lucy Mulvagh on the importance of advocacy in Scotland's new social security system

Scotland’s public bank with a public purpose

One minute, you're getting to grips with charity law or the voluntary sector's contribution to Scotland's,The Bill, which passed unanimously last week, was amended at stage three to ensure, for the avoidance,This could be especially important as new models and partnerships are required and adopted to keep pace,Members of the Scottish Parliament and Jackie Baillie in particular, who brought the voluntary sector amendment,to the Bill.

Bills and Amendments: what, why and how

This stage is not a time to raise new issues for the first time.,the Lord Advocate, the Attorney General, or by the Secretary of State for Scotland.,An amendment is a proposal to change the wording of the text of the Bill.,Amendments must be within the scope of the Bill and be relevant to what the Bill sets out to do.,Gaining cross party support of an amendment is a blog for another day, but as this is central to having

Minority Government, an opportunity for both the opposition and influencers

highlighted that during periods of minority government parties in opposition and the third sector have new,Collaboration on amendments during the Social Security (Scotland) Bill process, for example, led to several,Private Members Bills There is a maximum of 10 months remaining to push a Private Members Bill through,Amendments Approach the research team with amendments to bills as early as possible.,Getting an amendment into a bill is one of the strongest ways to make change as the amendment becomes

New Scotland Bill Amendments

Kate takes a look at the UK government's amendments to the Scotland Bill 2015-16 and asks if they deliver

SCVO Response - European and External Relations Committee's Human Rights Inquiry

Moreover, as Aiden Collins from HIV Scotland wrote in a blog for SCVO earlier this year: ‘Human rights,a British Bill of Rights.,SCVO holds that any new legislation on rights must maintain the UK’s commitment to the European Convention,This means that any new legislation on human rights must build on the HRA and not seek to replace it,,Any bills which seek to amend or enhance Human Rights legislation are of such importance that they must