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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

Remembering and recording

Meeting participants in an innovative scheme which encourages people living with dementia to tell their stories

Right Approach Campaign: July - December 2016

generate greater shared ownership, with an embedded link to a blog or podcast.,We contacted all elected Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) and created a motion which has so,and their carers to help shape policy and practice.,The blog, written by Owen Miller from Alzheimer Scotland, received 17 retweets, 19 likes and made 5,985,shapes and sizes our governance and membership structures are democratic and accountable - with an elected

Brief thoughts on new powers for Scotland

General Election this May.,All powers over Scottish Parliament and Local Government elections are devolved.,Various disability and carers’ benefits have been fully devolved, and these benefits have also been placed,outside the UK-wide benefit cap which is welcome – so if a Scottish Government were to make them more generous,See Policy Officer Kate Wane's blog Draft legislation takes few steps back from Smith for more on this

Smith Commission - SCVO interim response

However, the third sector in Scotland will be generally supportive of the principle of subsidiarity,,There are groups which face considerable barriers to the labour market such as lone parents, carers,,Legislative competence If the power over elections was devolved to the Scottish Parliament, there is,wp-content/uploads/2013/12/welfare-reform-mapping-report2.pdf [ii],/tfn-blogs/equality-law-should-be-devolved [iii]

Third sector visions for a Scotland of the future

new mix of work, childcare and care for older and disabled loved ones – new challenges which previous generations,Carers Scotland supports an approach which is firmly grounded in the principles of rights, dignity and,With these values at its heart, Scotland can better support carers to care, but also to have the same,Fiona Collie, Carers Scotland Carers Scotland [xxxi], the Trussell Trust [xxxii] and others illustrate,/blog/2013/08/help-us-build-our-economy [v] [vi] As