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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Better regulation: what improvements do our organisations need?

13:00-14:00, 23 April 2025
Jason Henderson
Policy and influencing

A session to discuss the next steps for the Scottish Government’s wider review of charity regulation and what this means for voluntary organisations. Conversations from this event will be used to help shape SCVO’s policy asks for the upcoming Scottish Parliament elections.  


SCVO has long argued that the voluntary sector in Scotland requires an independent, holistic, and comprehensive review of charity regulation that avoids gaps and overlaps in accountability, and results in a regulatory landscape that ultimately reflects the reality of what it is to be a charity in the modern day. 

We were, then, delighted when the Scottish Government committed to a wider review of charity regulation on the back of the legislative process for the Charities (Regulation & Administration) (Scotland) Act in 2023. 

Following a consultation on the scope of a such a review last year, the Scottish Government has been busy developing its proposed next steps. Join us to learn about where we now are in that process, what the next steps between now and May 2026 look like, and what opportunities may await following next year’s election.

This is an opportunity to directly shape SCVO’s position on a wider review going forward – in particular, the sector’s response to the Scottish Government’s next steps and what has to change for voluntary organisations over the long-term. 

Who is the event aimed at?

This event is for anyone working in the voluntary sector with an interest in the regulatory landscape and/or policy.

Other Information

If you can’t join us for this session, please consider sharing your thoughts via our online survey. Your responses will be used to shape our calls ahead of the 2026 Scottish Parliamentary Elections. 

You can read more about SCVO’s work in this area at: 

Review of charity regulation 

Charities (Regulation & Administration) (Scotland) Act 2023 

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