Lifecycle of a charity - setting up
- Date
13:00-14:00, 7 September 2022
This event took place over 2 years ago
- Attendance
- Online
- Contact
Tracey Bird
0131 378 0630 - Topic
- Governance and leadership
- Overview
In Scotland around 800 new charities are set up every year, and 600 wind up. We think there’s a story to be told there, and some useful lessons to be learned on how and why charities begin, how they develop, and then why some come to an end. So that’s why we’re organising a series of free lunchtime webinars on the ‘Lifecycle of a charity’ in partnership with the Charity Regulator, where we’ll have expert speakers from across the sector to look at the lifecycle of a charity from start to finish, using real life case studies and experience built up over many years.
- Description
In this webinar we’ll look at what it takes to set up a charity and the key things you need to know before applying to OSCR. We’ll highlight what you need to think about right from the start and the work and timescales involved in setting up. We’ll focus on charitable aims and beneficiaries and look at how to build a team. There will be time to consider whether you should have members, what legal structure is the most appropriate, and the reporting requirements you need to meet.
With speakers from the SCVO Information Service, OSCR and Gillespie Macandrew, partners in SCVO’s free legal advice service, you’ll get the chance to ask questions, find out more about the resources available to get you started, and learn how to future proof your charity.
To sign up to other sessions in the series click on the links below:
- Who was the event aimed at?
This webinar is aimed at trustees, senior staff and those who support charities and will be recorded.
- Other Information
We really want to hear your views and so this event will be a Zoom meeting, which allows all participants to see who else is in attendance and lets us interact with everyone in attendance. We will be taking some time at the end of the session to answer your questions and you can either ask them directly on the day or please feel free to submit a question or comment in the online booking form prior to the event. The session will also be recorded and shared on our Youtube Channel after the event.
- Cost
- Free
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