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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Funding guide Our funding guide takes you through the key steps to consider when thinking about funding,for your organisation.,The guide includes information on how to find funding, tips on what to include in your application, how,Guide to finding funding More support Our Information Service can answer your questions on all elements,More information Funding policy and influencing Running Costs Crisis #EssentialSector Manage your grant

You're a charity! What next?

think about your next steps and secure your organisation's future.,We've got information on what kind of funding you can look for, how to give your applications for grants,the best chance of success, and ideas of lots of kinds of fundraising: Guide to finding funding Funding,We keep it up-to-date to make it as easy as possible for you to find great opportunities.,SCVO members can access premium content and functionality: Funding Scotland Good governance Your management

User insight

These needs should guide your digital inclusion project.,Three key actions Find out what access your users have to devices and connectivity Measure the digital,Seek funding to help buy devices and connectivity.,This could be a funding pitch to your Board or applying for a grant.,The next step will be to build essential digital skills for life.

The charity (de)banking landscape

Finding an account Finding a suitable bank account has become increasingly difficult for many reasons,If charities are unable to access their funds while their account is frozen, they risk becoming financially,Industry steps for banks were also identified.,in 2024 and will see the launch of UK Finance’s new website hub, the Voluntary Organisation Banking Guide,for setting up a charity bank account; recognise that it is in all our interests to safeguard donated funds

An expert’s guide to applying for funding

Sandra Hogg provides some hints and tips on attracting money to your cause

How to grab a grant

TFN’s guide to finding funders and persuading them to give you a grant

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making (Finance & Public Administration Committee)

Councillor Euan Jardine (Scottish Borders Council) ‘I absolutely concur that we need to find a new modus,Last year SCVO and the TSI Scotland Network published a guide introducing the voluntary sector to MSPs,“I think that's where partnership working is developed, where you don’t have to be on your best behaviour,experiences felt by voluntary organisations is far superior in some areas compared with others and take steps,However, it is also a role that some in the sector can find challenging.

Think you can’t afford to build a strong brand?

Fenella McCarthy says having a strong brand has never been so important for the charity sector