Today we are launching the #RightApproach campaign, promoting Human Rights in the third sector.
Over the next few weeks and months, I will be finding out more about how many charities and campaign organisations across Scotland are following a human rights-based approach.
So why human rights?
Well for one it seems back in the news again with the UK Government reaffirming plans to press ahead with a British Bill of Rights, replacing the 1998 Human Rights Act.
Many in our sector oppose this, pointing out the numerous benefits the Act has brought, such as
offering protection to victims of domestic abuse. Amnesty International have even
launched a petition to save the act.
But looking closer you see human rights is never really out of the news. We as a society sometimes regard rights as being an abstract concept, only for discussion in the courtroom. In reality, however, human rights apply to those fundamental freedoms and entitlements we need to be protected to realise a dignified life for everyone.
That sounds pretty straight forward doesn’t it? As long as we keep the act then we will have our rights protected every day, right?
Well, no it isn’t that simple.
The third sector plays a pivotal role in ensuring the rights set out in the document are realised in practice. Without campaigners holding decision makers to account and ensuring the voices of those in vulnerable situations are heard, basic human rights for many would go unrealised.
Through speaking to some of the key people within the Scottish third sector, I will be discovering why human rights are so important and how they are making a human rights-based approach a reality.
First up, where better to start then with Amnesty International. I caught up with Naomi McAuliffe, Amnesty’s Scotland director to discuss all things human rights, from the act under threat to holding Police Scotland’s feet to the fire.
Make sure you check out the campaign’s regular podcasts and blogs, as we discover what really is the #RightApproach.
If you would like the great human rights work of your organisation featured in the campaign then please drop me an email:
Also if you would like to tell your story of how show your appreciation for the work of a charity in Scotland protected your human rights then please check out
goodhq.org a new website where you can share your experience of working with charities.
Last modified on 23 January 2020