“While we welcome the Scottish Government’s commitments to move towards Fair Funding for Scotland’s voluntary,“We need to see meaningful support for the sector, with urgent progress on Fair Funding to safeguard,ENDS Notes for editors: Read SCVO’s budget briefing here: https://scvo.scot/p/87246/2023/12/12/scvo-briefing-scottish-budget,/gathering-first-ministers-speech-8-november-2023/.,SCVO’s Fair Funding for the Voluntary Sector: https://scvo.scot/p/56732/2023/01/16/%E2%80%8Bfair-funding-for-the-voluntary-sector
The voluntary sector faces unprecedented challenges.,to longer-term funding for the voluntary sector across multiple government strategies.,who rely on voluntary sector services.,Funding that accommodates paying staff at least the Real Living Wage and pay uplifts for voluntary sector,” can be scrutinised by the voluntary sector and Parliament.
by 2026 Transparent voluntary sector funding This paper focuses on Fair Funding, a long-term, flexible,, sustainable, and accessible approach to funding essential for a sustainable voluntary sector which,In 2023, the Scottish Government committed to achieving fairer funding for the voluntary sector by 2026,Fair Funding SCVO has advocated for Fair Funding for the voluntary sector for many years.,By November 2023 the Third Sector Tracker found: Almost 6 in 10 (57%) organisations believed that rising
sector funding.,to longer-term funding for the voluntary sector across multiple government strategies.,In April 2023 the Scottish Government’s policy prospectus New leadership - A fresh start, the Cabinet,To support voluntary organisations, our staff and volunteers, and the people and communities our sector,funding model for the voluntary sector across all Scottish Government departments.