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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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An Intermediaries Network already exists from which gather intelligence and to work together to find,Our approach We invited SCVO's Intermediaries Network members to book a 30-minute meeting with our Policy,Combined, these intermediaries covered eight distinct policy areas.,Intermediaries provide communication channels and facilitate networking between members.,needs and get money to people and communities.

Useful contacts

TSI Directory - TSI Scotland Network Association of Independent Examiners (ACIE) A list of Independent,ICAS Intermediary bodies Intermediaries are umbrella bodies that support member bodies working in certain,Intermediaries network The Law Society of Scotland Provides a searchable database of lawyers in Scotland

Response to Social Justice and Social Security Committee Pre-budget Scrutiny: Third sector funding principles

Intermediaries are umbrella organisations, membership or network bodies, which represent other voluntary,Intermediaries are essential sector infrastructure, providing assets, systems, services, and networks,Voluntary Sector Intermediary “It’s difficult to get core costs from grants and foundations – you might,get a nominal contribution for management costs but that’s it.”,There should be consistent, up to date guidance that is followed by every team involved in grant-making

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making (Finance & Public Administration Committee)

part of the Strengthening Collaboration work between Scottish Government, SCVO, COSLA and the TSI Network,Last year SCVO and the TSI Scotland Network published a guide introducing the voluntary sector to MSPs,On many occasions, it is unclear whether a contribution to policy development in the form of a policy,involved with the PfG for example.,policy teams.

Fair funding: It's time to abandon the spin

evidence review on partnership by Scottish Government researchers, guided by SCVO, the TSI Scotland Network,In interviews with leaders of voluntary sector intermediary bodies, we explored the wide-ranging impact,We present ten actions in the final case study, agreed with SCVO's Intermediaries Network.

Post-legislative scrutiny: Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014

Still, implementation of reform has lagged well-meaning policy.,Voluntary organisations, whether directly involved in public procurement or considering their involvement,In August, SCVO and the TSI Scotland Network published the paper, 'Fair Funding and Fair Work.',Sadly, the Network ceased with the end of the contract.,SCVO’s engagement with voluntary organisations and research from other sector intermediaries show several

The Programme for Government: Smoke and mirrors?

Specifically, the programme includes, legislation, spending, policy initiatives, consultations, and the,Following these discussions, we arranged a packed out Policy Network session where our members could ,resilience of communities across Scotland and committed to working with SCVO, COSLA, and the TSI Network,current and future societal and economic challenges, the Programme for Government should recognise intermediaries,access to transparent data on the Scottish Government’s funding of the voluntary sector to enable intermediaries

Changing how SCVO involves others in policy and influencing 

It also means that we need to think differently about how we engage and involve such a huge range of,But, to get to that point, we need to try different approaches to see what works and when. ,The reality for many is that they simply don't have the capacity – or the flexibility – to get more involved,and potential partnership working with SCVO's intermediaries network.,These are just some examples of us testing new approaches to involving Scotland's voluntary sector in

SCVO policy and public affairs: A busy three months to kick off 2022

This year has begun with a shift in focus for SCVO’s Policy and Public Affairs (PPA) team.,We have narrowed our scope from six active policy areas to three.,SCVO and the TSI Scotland Network will share more on this soon.,in April 2022. An internal paper on intermediaries,They are a valuable way for us to get our messages across while also helping to build on the positive

SCVO consultation response to the Scottish Government's Resource Spending Review

Policy directions must look to maximise the potential of the voluntary sector and ensure everyone involved,Question 4: how to get the best value from public spending What is needed for the voluntary sector to,Voluntary organisations’ work is essential to the green economy, through supporting local energy networks,Policy directions must look to maximise the potential of the voluntary sector and ensure everyone involved,Question 4: how to get the best value from public spending What is needed for the voluntary sector to

Get involved

Collaborate with us and our members to develop and promote voluntary sector policy perspectives for Scotland