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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Paul Bradley

Former Policy & Public Affairs Manager at SCVO

Latest posts by Paul Bradley

SCVO response to Scottish Parliament’s Equality and Human Rights Committee Delivery of national equalities and human rights in partnership with the third sectorDownload Our position For many of Scotland's charities and community groups delivering essential services, the outlook... Read more

Last month I blogged on the need for Scotland’s third sector to step up its role in Scotland’s publicly owned investment bank. Now, with the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee’s Stage One Report published, I consider how work to set up Scotland’s National Investment Bank... Read more

Last week, the Scottish Government announced its next steps in the review of Scottish charity law following a consultation period on its proposals to update charity legislation for the first time since 2005. Many in the sector – including SCVO – were hoping for reform but were... Read more

Without the right culture, it’s easy to talk ourselves out of collaboration and simpler to avoid challenging the dynamics that come with partnership working. However when it comes to addressing society’s greatest challenges – reflected by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and... Read more

Scotland’s third sector is no stranger to encouraging forward-looking ideas that protect and enhance our society, economy and environment. But, are we all strangers to the Scottish National Investment Bank (the ‘Bank’ or SNIB), billed by the First Minister as a cornerstone of the... Read more

SCVO submission to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee on the Scottish National Investment Bank 03 May 2019 SCVO submission on the SNIB to the Economy Energy and Fair Work CommitteeDownload Our position SCVO welcome the proposals for a Scottish National Investment Bank... Read more

When the invitation to attend a Town Hall with President Barack Obama landed as junk mail, I presumed it was just that. I palmed it off as another phishing scam; the thought of recognition from the Obama Foundation seemed a little far-fetched. When it emerged that the invite was... Read more

SCVO response to Scottish Government 01 April 2019 Summary While SCVO welcomes the opportunity to review Scottish charity law, we think there are some significant missed opportunities in this consultation, which fails to serve as the meaningful discussion piece required 13 years... Read more

In 2015, the First Minister confirmed that the Scottish Government would be one of the first anywhere in the world to commit to meeting the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development, both at home and overseas. Since then, all 193 UN member states have signed up to the 17 goals... Read more

There can be no underestimating the importance of trust in charities, which is already at a high level in Scotland. Public trust in the charity ‘brand’ is one of the most powerful assets our sector holds, but gaining and retaining this is not easy in 2019. The environment that... Read more