survey in November 2017 strongly or tended to agree that charities are trustworthy.,As a sector that embraces human rights and campaigns for equality, we should celebrate and embrace this,So, at SCVO, we took the bull by the horns and launched the ‘I Love Charity’ campaign in February to,inspire trust in charities.,It includes plans for materials, resources, networks and events, all designed to support the sector to
for SCVO for the past 7 years, covering topics such as volunteering, trainer training and managing projects,He trains on strategic topics such as project management and contracts and service level agreements,,“I learn from participants on every course I deliver and I build that learning into my materials.”,Along with his brilliant team, Lawrence is highly experienced in developing campaigns that pack a punch,Lindsay loves having a front row seat as pieces of the jigsaw fall into place for folk who attend her
I hope you enjoy this impact report for 2023/24.,We'd love to hear what you think of it so please get in touch if you've any comments or feedback that,Fair Funding for the sector will help to ensure that organisations can provide the services and projects,support. 351 applications 142 awards made £2.5m distributed 11,512 people supported through funded projects,This entry level resource was developed to help organisations build a net zero action plan and approach
I hope you enjoy this impact report for 2021/22.,We'd love to hear what you think of it so please get in touch if you've any comments or feedback that,8,000 times and making the finals of the 2022 UK Charity Film Awards.,The campaign generated media coverage across 23 publications and united voluntary organisations behind,The project exceeded all targets and expectations, achieving: 2,700 wellbeing plans 5,500 ehealth interventions
SCVO’s head of policy, research campaigns, Kirsten Hogg, asked questions of and responded to Nicola Sturgeon,The cost of living crisis - a conversation with Jack Monroe Part campaigner, part writer, part inspirational,The charity, a book gifting programme devoted to inspiring a love of reading in the hearts of children,of a new Volunteering Action Plan for Scotland.,in future- keep your eyes peeled for more information on the evaluation and our future plans.
what needs to happen' Building a cash-first future: can we make food banks history in Scotland Campaigners,the presenting organisations and young women currently working with YWM on the EmBody to EmPower project,The #EssentialSector campaign is spearheaded by a group of organisations who believe more needs to be,different people from my field""It felt that there were a lot of people there ... it made me feel like I,I thought the size gave a good range of topics to choose from for the talks"“Great opportunity to catch