Access to independent advocacy: an evidence review
The Independent Living Strategy, launched in March 2008, committed the UK Government to investigate the effectiveness and cost benefit of advocacy support for disabled people in situations where they are at particular risk of losing choice and control. This review delivers on that commitment by systematically identifying, evaluating and synthesising the evidence relating to the need, the benefits and the costs associated with independent advocacy for disabled people in the four situations specified by the strategy, namely: ?during transition to adulthood ?when the children of disabled parents are subject to safeguarding procedures ?when entry to residential care is a possibility ?when disabled people are victims or alleged perpetrators of anti-social behaviour. The searches for evidence related to people with mental health support needs, people with learning disabilities and people with physical/sensory impairments. This report summarises key themes from the UK and international research literature, and also highlights the extent and nature of gaps in the current evidence base.