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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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About SCVO

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the membership organisation for Scotland’s

Employer National Insurance Changes

We want to see a commitment from both the UK and Scottish Governments to mitigate the impact of the increased,MPs on behalf of impacted Scottish voluntary organisations writing to the First Minister to highlight,the risk to voluntary organisations in Scotland working with the Scottish Government and COSLA to gain,The UK Government have said that the Scottish Government will receive additional funding on top of the,What have the Scottish Government said?

SCVO response to Scottish Labour's Policy Forum

Adopt, and publish awards to, the 360Giving Data Standard, including basic identifier core fields such,as recipient name, organisation, and charity number Include all spending in the Scottish Government’,This includes 23,600 Scottish charities and over 1,000 UK-wide charities operating in Scotland.,Small charities (under £100,000 and new charities) make up 80% of the charity sector, but account for,Information Centre (SPICe) published a blog on the economic contribution of the sector.

There’s a poor outlook for McCloud’s new poverty blog

A campaign to tackle the stigma of poverty has launched a new phase with a spoof blog that highlights

Charity cuts ties with cash-grabbing awards company

The Scottish Diversity Awards has a new charity partner after riding for the disabled group Equi-Power

The referendum – can we all be winners?

Adrienne Airlie, chief executive of Martin Aitken & Co, questions which referendum outcome would be best for the third sector

Response to Social Justice and Social Security Committee Pre-budget Scrutiny: Third sector funding principles

annual funding cycles are common, their challenges are exacerbated when delays to decision-making and awarding,Registered Charity “We’ve been offered 3-year funding, but this is to be reviewed annually.,employees and the experience and expertise that they provide.Even where voluntary organisations have been awarded,Registered Charity Question 7.,Registered charity “Funding issues ensure that no one has security of employment.

To bank or not to bank, that’s the reality for some voluntary sector organisations

Charities are facing an increase in fees for basic transactions, misleading and inconsistent information,New charities struggled to identify and open suitable accounts, which prevented many from being able,to apply for or be awarded grants at a crucial time.,SCVO joined as the Scottish partner to ensure the needs of our sector were represented and advocated,It was only when charity and banking partners were allowed to participate in a joint conversation that

Charity Commission v OSCR - who can weed out the bad apples

Gillian Harkness looks at the Charity Commission and OSCR to see which system is most likely to uncover

Conservation heroes honoured at Nature of Scotland Awards

Nine winners presented at ceremony hosted by TV’s Chris Packham