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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Trustee's Week 2023

That’s why we’re offering 50 organisations a free space on Goodmoves to advertise their board vacancies,SCVO Trustee Network which you can sign up to for information and news on relevant topics and free webinars,SCVO new online governance course for 2024 on a series of topics: Running effective board meetings Defining,Get expert help from our Information Officers on everything from changing your constitution to developing,on relevant topics, webinars where you can hear from experts and share your own learning and experience

The future of SCVO: consulting on a new strategic approach

The future of SCVO: consulting on a new strategic approach After a time of change and reflection, the,Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is looking for your help to create our new strategic,You may buy your payroll or IT service from us, participate in Community Jobs Scotland or share space,in one of our five offices.,Or you might just follow us on social media.

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

We’ve continued to share important sector news online through Third Force News (TFN), with over a million,We shared news of funding opportunities, claimed back substantial sums of money from the HMRC job retention,We continued to support our shared office space tenants and our managed IT clients and we launched a,We supported 28 tenants from our shared office space and 33 managed IT clients to navigate the challenges,YouTube: SCVO’s networks include: Intermediaries NetworkPolicy Officers NetworkThird

Supporting your people while working remotely

Your team will need support to adapt to new ways of working.,If you’re not sharing the same office space, you aren’t sharing the same context.,Everyone will also miss out on being able to share quick updates over a desk or over a cup of tea.,Schedule a social call now and then and have a #random office chat channel in your messaging platform,This can be useful if you are working outside of the usual core hours.

What SCVO has done

SCVO is proud to be the national membership body for this vital sector.,Voice and representation SCVO has long championed Scotland’s charities, voluntary organisations and social,We: harnessed our Funding Scotland portal and networks to share news of funding opportunities claimed,office space and managed IT client to work remotely using digital tools to do so continued to deliver,Please contact us at if you have any feedback on our work or ideas about what we

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

with us.,feature=shared 6,500 jobs advertised 1,511 voluntary organisations using Goodmoves We have also been,' offices and in SCVO's offices with a responsive IT helpdesk.,’s campaigning, and provided a useful bridge between SCVO, the wider sector, policy-makers and influencers,managers to achieve their work objectives from home and from the office.

Planning your digital inclusion support

Embed it in your existing engagement work or weave it into new activities.,Having an appropriate safe space to meet (in person or online) is also important.,You can share resources, expertise or help with referrals.,You could use the online version, the hard copy or use both depending on the user.,perseverance and support are the key attributes to making it successful.”Chris Morrison, Business Support Officer

The Gathering 2023: a round-up

Our popular exhibition space was also back by popular demand!,feature=shared Check out some highlights from the Gathering 2023 in this short video Our aims for the,that even more people could enjoy the energy of the Gathering from the comfort of their own homes or offices,Thank you to everyone who shared your thoughts with us.,Feel free to like, tag and share.

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

such as social distancing have created a myriad of challenges for the voluntary sector, both creating new,They also establish a culture of valuing, sharing and continually improving digital skills.,to keep building their skills, eg by supporting shared ‘learning hours’ once a month, where people learn,Moving services to digital platforms means producing, sharing and storing more data.,automatically update We worked hard during the pandemic to make sure service users had a safe, tailored online space

SCVO response to FoI Reform Bill consultation (Katy Clark MSP)

sector will fall under different regulatory regimes, such as those of the Information Commissioners Office,statutory role of Freedom of Information Officer, and other processes.,unrealistic, even less so if they are to perform a function with similar powers and duties to Data Protection Officers,Organisations that SCVO have spoken to are concerned by the prospect of people using FoI who disagree,Voluntary organisations working in this space have told SCVO that people inundate public sector bodies