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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Pay charity trustees to improve governance says think tank

Charities should be able to pay trustees to improve standards of governance says a new report from New

Close to Parity: Challenging the voluntary sector to smash the glass ceiling

Rowena Lewis's research report shines a spotlight on women's representation in the voluntary sector. Through her research Rowena set out to demonstrate how well the sector is doing. She unearthed some uncomfortable truths along the way about the inequalities that persist. She...

Equality leadership capacity building project

aspirations to offer their experience directly to those responsible for making public appointments to government

The ‘Get on Board’ Competency Pathway

need to engage young people now by creating opportunities and a supportive culture around board governance,"We need to create governance opportunities in a supportive environment and work towards changing mindsets

Greening the National Accounts for Scotland

This briefing note summarises recent work funded by scotecon on using insights from economics to measure ?sustainability? for Scotland.

A Review of the Scottish Executive's response to the Race Equality Advisory Forum's Recommendations

This report draws together the Executive?s progress to date in addressing the recommendations made by the Race Equality Advisory Forum REAF. It also examines related initiatives in reference to the wider duty under the RR(A)A to promote race equality.

Programme for Government proposal: Charity Regulation for a modern voluntary sector

Our proposals for the Programme for Government 2023/2024 cover three areas: Delivering Fair Funding by,By committing to the actions described in this paper, the upcoming Programme for Government can support,Given this clear commitment by the Scottish Government to a wider review, and the cross-party support,The problem The Scottish Government first launched its consultation on changes to charity regulation,In the 2023/2024 Programme for Government the Scottish Government should: 1.

Governance of Emergency Response in Scotland, Resiliance Management, and Adaptation to Increasing Climate

This paper presents selected findings from a 2008 pilot study investigating the role of the Scottish Third Sector in the provision of disaster or emergency response in Scotland. As a working paper, its aim is to set out the researcher's conceptual framework for further research...

Local Government Finance statistics

Statistics relating to Local Government Finance, including local government income and expenditure revenue,Publications include: - Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics - Provisional Outturn & Budget

Funding Scotland