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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Help shape SCVO’s response to the Scottish Government's Community Wealth Building Bill Consultation 

The Scottish Government’s Building Community Wealth in Scotland consultation was launched at the start,the economic and social power of anchor institutions such as hospitals, universities and local government,Community Wealth Building in Scotland The Scottish Government have committed to exploring Community Wealth

Employer National Insurance Changes

The UK Government has stated its commitment for the increased funding to enable public sector employers,Minister to highlight the risk to voluntary organisations in Scotland working with the Scottish Government,What have the UK Government said?,The UK Government have said that the Scottish Government will receive additional funding on top of the,What have the Scottish Government said?

Taking on a community space

Good community support A robust business plan Adequate financial systems and controls Suitable governance,and leadership in place Back to: Handbook Next section: Governance

Recruitment & induction

Check your governing document The first trustees are likely to be drawn from the group who set up the,Your governing document should detail who can be a trustee, how they’re elected, how long they can be,It is considered good governance for a trustee to serve a maximum of nine years, but any turnover should,Your governing document should indicate whether co-opted members have a vote.,Your governing document should describe how your Chair is selected.

Useful Links & Resources

Programme of Government proposal – Delivering Fair Funding by 2026: SCVO’s Fair Funding proposal for,the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government 2023-24.,Why Fair Funding for the voluntary sector is needed to achieve government’s ambitions: SCVO blog looking,at why the Scottish Government’s equality, opportunity, and community ambitions cannot be met without,for the Social Justice & Social Security Committee's Budget scrutiny focus on how the Scottish Government's

Fair Funding in Scotland

Our calls are primarily directed at the Scottish Government, however, the wider principles apply to all,funders, including local government.,Progress has been made, with the Scottish Government committing to Fairer Funding by 2026.,However, Fairer Funding hasn’t yet been defined and SCVO are calling for the Scottish Government’s Fairer,information on Fair Funding and our key lines and asks, details of previous commitments from the Scottish Government


Questions unearthed the issues and challenges with Scottish Government funding faced by intermediaries,departments and via organisations who disseminate funds for the Scottish Government.,Funding from the Scottish Government was often the largest single lump sum received.,Most of the organisations we spoke to rely heavily on core funding from the Scottish Government.,That entry point is also crucial for government, parliament, and the wider public sector.

Cost of living & the #RunningCostsCrisis

in its Policy Prospectus and Programme for Government.,This included a call for support with energy costs that the UK government had provided to the sector,SCVO and the TSI Scotland Network have written to the Scottish Government multiple times to raise our,Good governance and difficult decision making Rethinking reserves Property options in a post-pandemic,Scottish Government cost of living crisis campaign gives information for individuals on help available

Trustee induction

The induction pack should include a copy of the governing document, accounts, previous minutes.,Good governance needs well informed and active trustees.,SCVO can provide further training and resources to help ensure your organisation is governed effectively

Organisational purpose

Making sure our governing documents are fit for purpose and set out the details of how our organisation,will be governed.,Making and recording informed decisions in line with our governing documents.

Funding Scotland